Winter Navigation Motorways of the Sea
WINMOS project will further develop efficient maritime transport in the Baltic Sea
Read moreDetailsWINMOS project will further develop efficient maritime transport in the Baltic Sea
Read moreDetailsThe vessel traffic plying the Baltic Sea accounts for some 15% of the world's maritime transportation business, according to the European Commission (EC), but every year harsh winter conditions pose a significant hazard to safe navigation.
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Read moreDetailsTo improve safety of hazardous new Arctic shipping routes The General Lighthouse Authorities of the UK and Ireland (GLAs) report that they have begun working with The Internavigation Research and Technical Centre in the Russian Federation to improve shipping safety across hazardous new high Arctic routes by introducing compatibility in advanced navigation technologies.The UK - Russia cooperation refers specifically to the development of interoperable resilient position, navigational and timing (PNT) technologies; furthering the development and standardisation of eLoran in the UK and Ireland and its eChayka equivalent in Russia.Arctic shipping routes have only become viable in the past few years due to melting polar ice, allowing a reduction in shipping times between Asia and Europe of around a third. Shipping traffic through the Northern Sea Route alone has quadrupled in the last year, according to the Northern Sea Route Administration.This sharp increase in shipping traffic, however, is adding to safety risks in the Arctic region, along with hazards such as perennial ice cover, unpredictable weather, and reduced availability of GNSS data that ships rely on to navigate.GNSS is also vulnerable to interference from space weather and threats from jamming by criminal means. Therefore, both the GLAs and the Russian authorities ...
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