Tag: Manila Amendments

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STCW Convention at a glance

In 1978, IMO adopted a landmark Convention for all seafarers across the world to establish high standards of competence and professionalism in their duties on-board. The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, the STCW Convention in brief, establishes the minimum basic requirements on training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers on an international level.

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Paris, Tokyo MoU launch new joint CIC on STCW hours of rest

From 1 September to 30 November 2014 The Maritime Authorities of the Paris and the Tokyo Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control will launch a joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) with the purpose to establish that watchkeeping personnel are meeting the requirements regarding hours of rest as per STCW78 as amended (including the Manila amendments).This inspection campaign will be held for three months,commencing from 1September 2014 and ending on 30 November 2014.The deck and engine room watchkeepers' hours of rest will be verified in moredetail for compliance with the mentioned scope of the CIC during a regular PortState Control inspection conducted under the regional ship selection criteria withinthe Paris and Tokyo MoU regions.Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) will use a list of 10 selected items to establishthat watchkeeping personnel are meeting the requirements regarding hours of rest,focusing attention on the Minimum Safe Manning Document (MSMD) and recordsof rest. List of the10 selected item for questioning during CICsIs a watch schedule posted in an easily accessible area?Is the ship manned in accordance with MSMD or an equivalent document?Are there records of daily hours of rest for each watchkeeper?Have the records in Qu 3 been endorsed by an appropriate person?Are ...

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