West of England P&I Club issues Loss Prevention Bulletin TheWest of England P&I Club issued a Loss Prevention Bulletin on marine diesel engine lubrication.In recent months several entered vessels have experienced main engine breakdowns caused by heavily contaminated lubricating oil. All of the vessels were relatively new.Modern marine diesel engines are technically complex and are becoming increasingly powerful and efficient. However, newer engines can be less forgiving than older units if not operated, maintained and lubricated correctly.Lubricating OilThe lubrication of moving parts is crucial to diesel engine performance and longevity. Lubricating oil reduces friction between components, separates opposing surfaces and prevents metal-to-metal contact. It also acts as a coolant and mitigates the effect of corrosion. However, the condition of the oil tends to deteriorate with use, mainly due to contamination and chemical activity.The manufacturers manual for the engine will provide details of the quality and properties of lubricating oil required. The manual will also include guidance on how the oil should be monitored and maintained while the engine is running to ensure that it remains suitable for use. Such advice is generally based on research findings, operational experience, ongoing analysis and other factors including technical common sense. The details will ...
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