Côte d’Ivoire holds controversial ammonium nitrate cargo
The Port of Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire decided to keep a vessel carrying ammonium nitrate offshore while it addresses safety concerns.
Read moreDetailsThe Port of Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire decided to keep a vessel carrying ammonium nitrate offshore while it addresses safety concerns.
Read moreDetailsAs North Club reports, Ivory Coast and Senegal are applying a ‘traffic rights’ levy on internationally trading vessels that load or discharge cargo at their ports, which are resulting in significant costs to shipowners.
Read moreDetailsThe North P&I Club informs that the Ivory Coast have issued a notice on their intention to collect fees from vessels that are engaged on international voyages and are loading or discharging at Ivorian ports. Namely, the country’s Secretary of State of the Minister of Transports has issued a note to shipowners whose vessels call at Ivory Coast, referencing the l’Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA) regulations in relation to the Rights of Maritime Traffic, which took effect on 1 January 2020.
Read moreDetailsOn January 19, a product tanker was attacked while in Abidjan Anchorage, Ivory Coast. The armed robbery that took place, resulted to the robbers escaping the vessel with stolen ship's stores. According to IBM between the Ivory Coast and the Democratic Republic of Congo the robbery incidents more than doubled in 2018.
Read moreDetailsCustom fines for difference between quantities reported and the final stevedores' figure have been a potential issue for bulk vessels trading in West African countries, especially in countries such as Benin, Togo and the Ivory Coast which have a high demand for imported bagged commodities like sugar or rice.
Read moreDetailsThe bulk carrier 'Thunderbird's' crew saw four perpetrators armed with knives/machetes near the engine room, off Malaysia. The alarm was raised and the crew gathered, while a security search was conducted. A crew’s mobile phone was reported stolen, but the crew was not injured.
Read moreDetailsNigerian tanker hijacked off Ivory Coast
Read moreDetailsA recent attack in the region illustrates a worrying and new development for the shipping industry Maritime piracy in the Gulf of Guinea is not a new phenomenon and in many ways has been over shadowed by Somali piracy in recent years. A recent attack in the region illustrates a worrying and new development for the industry.In the early hours of Saturday 6 October, a Panamax tanker was boarded by suspected Nigerian pirates, in what is the first such recorded vessel hijacking off the Ivory Coast.The vessel was anchored and midway through a ship to ship (STS) operation off Abidjan when the incident occurred. Fourteen pirates armed with knives and AK47s boarded and hijacked the vessel, with more than 30,000 tons of gasoline on board. Under the control of the hijackers, the vessel left Abidjan, passing the neighbouring waters and coastlines of Ghana, Togo and Benin before finally arriving in Nigerian waters.The vessel was subsequently released on 9 October, but only after approximately 2,500 tons of gasoil had reportedly been misappropriated from the vessel. The crew of two Greeks and 22 Filipinos are reported to be in good condition with some damage to the vessel's communication system.The spill over of ...
Read moreDetailsInformation provided by the West of England P&I Club The West of England P&I Club has been advised by Ivory P&I, Abidjan, of alleged shortages of wheat discharged in Abidjan leading to the imposition of fines by the Customs Authorities.Inmost cases the draught survey figures will show either a small surplus or a small shortage of cargo, as would be expected, however, shore figures derived from the shore scales at the two principal wheat importers in Abidjan; Les Grands Moulins d'Abidjan and Les Moulins Modernes de Côte d'Ivoire, consistently show shortages of between 40 and 160 m.t.Discrepancies have also been found between the quantities recorded by the truck weighbridge operated by the stevedores and those obtained from a weighbridge operated by an independent third party; the Ivorian Chamber of Commerce. Therefore doubts exist as to the accuracy of the shore scales used by the principal wheat importers, and the weighbridge used by the stevedore company. In the event of a shortage the Customs Authorities impose a fine of 50,000 CFA Francs (approximately 76 Euros) per short-landed m.t.In order to protect Members' interests it is recommended that their Masters request a copy of the latest calibration certification for the weighbridge that ...
Read moreDetailsA further easing of the sanctions There has been a furthereasing of the sanctionsinvolvingthree previoulsy listed companies.Please click here for the HM Treasury notice on the topic.1. APROCANCI (COTE D'IVOIRE ASSOCIATION OF NATURAL RUBBER PRODUCERS)2. RTI (IVORIAN RADIO AND TELEVISION)3. SOGEPE (NATIONAL ELECTRICITY MANAGEMENT)Easing of European Union Council sanction against Ivory CoastEuropean Union Council Regulation (EU) No 419/2011 implemented on 29 April 2011 amends the restrictive measures imposed on persons and entities designated in EU Regulations 560/2005 and 25/2011. The restrictive measures consisting of the freezing of assets have now been eased with respect to the following entities:PETROCI (National Petroleum Operations Company of Côte d'IvoireBNI (National Investment Bank)BFA (Agricultural Credit Bank)Versus BankCaisse d'Epargne de Côte d'Ivoire (Savings Bank of Côte d'Ivoire)Banque de l'Habitat de Côte d'Ivoire (BHCI) (Housing Bank of Côte d'Ivoire)The regulation, which can be accessed here, is applicable to all Member States.European Union Council Regulation (EU) No 348/2011 implemented on 8 April 2011 amends the restrictive measures imposed on persons and entities designated in EU Regulations 560/2005 and 25/2011. The restrictive measures consisting of the freezing of assets have now been eased with respect to the following entities:SIR (Ivorian Refining Company)Autonomous Port of AbidjanAutonomous Port of San PedroCGFCC ...
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