TT Club: Climate change impacts inland waterway operations
TT Club pointed out that there are alarming warning signs that severe climatic events are already impacting inland waterway operations.
Read moreDetailsTT Club pointed out that there are alarming warning signs that severe climatic events are already impacting inland waterway operations.
Read moreDetailsOn 5 December a containership and an autonomous vessel collided on the river Scheur near Rotterdam, leading to four containers being knocked into the water.
Read moreDetailsThe International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) has issued a paper on China’s new policy, jointly released by the Ministry of Transport (MOT) and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), aimed at scrapping and renewing coastal and inland river ships.
Read moreDetailsIn a recent video, CCO Jeroen Zwijnenburg of Rotterdam Short Sea Terminals (RST), reveals his ambition for RST to become the best in class shortsea terminal in Europe within a few years.
Read moreDetailsETF urged for the eradication of social dumping practices in Inland Waterways Transport (IWT), saying that IWT functions without having flag state legislation.
Read moreDetailsThe Port of Rotterdam officially started using integrated planning to handle inland container shipping.
Read moreDetailsSamsung Electronics America (SEA) filed a complaint against ZIM to the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC), for period since the beginning of 2020 through the first quarter of 2022.
Read moreDetailsDuring the last summers, the low water levels in most of Europe’s inland waterways have created serious operational problems leading to reduced capacity, steep price increases and sometimes even the impossibility to use inland waterways. Taking this into consideration, EFIP and ESPO call for a concerted answer to respond to this problem.
Read moreDetailsWestern Baltic Engineering (WBE) is unveiling new designs for what it claims to be the first ever electric pusher vessel for use on Europe’s inland waterways called the ‘Electric Eel’.
Read moreDetailsThe Nationaal Groeifonds, an initiative of the Dutch Ministries of Economic Affairs & Climate Change and Finance, is investing in Zero Emission Services (ZES) to accelerate the implementation of ZES’ innovative system solution for inland shipping.
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