Tag: IMO

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Shipping is increasingly subject to environmental pressure

For many the environmental rules set by the IMO are seen as a minimum standard There is more to environmental compliance than operating a vessel in accordance with whatever rule has come from the International Maritime Organization.Shipping is increasingly subject to commercial environmental pressure as other companies focus on their own supply chain performance and expect their suppliers to do the same.For many organisations the environmental rules that have been set by the IMO are seen as a minimum standard, and owners hoping to sound like they have a sound environmental stewardship by stating their vessels are in full compliance and by increasingly sounding like they are in fact doing the minimum needed.The development of commercial and social pressures comes as the shipping industry faces a make or break year. The IMO is hoping to get its design index sorted out and made mandatory and to develop a market-based measure. These are the two mandatory tools it hopes will demonstrate movement in tackling CO2 emissions from shipping.

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Guidelines for evaluation and replacement of lifeboat-retrieval systems

All non complying appliances will have to be replaced Shipowners are pushing for guidelines on additional safety measures for lifeboat-securing systems following an agreement on evaluating and replacing the old-design onload release hooks that have led to dozens of fatal accidents in safety drills.Last month, at thedesign and equipment meeting at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) agreed guidelines for the evaluation and replacement of lifeboat-retrieval systems.It also agreed amendments to the Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) Code that will introduce extra safety arrangements to prevent the unintended release of lifeboats.Under the new regulation, all appliances not complying with the amended LSA Code will have to be replaced.

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Shipping focuses on environmental rules

Movements to tackle CO2 emissions from shipping There is more to environmental compliance than operating a vessel in accordance with whatever rule has come from the International Maritime Organization.Shipping is increasingly subject to commercial environmental pressure as other companies focus on their own supply chain performance and expect their suppliers to do the same.For many organisations the environmental rules that have been set by the IMO are seen as a minimum standard, and owners hoping to sound like they have a sound environmental stewardship by stating their vessels are in full compliance are increasingly sounding like they are in fact doing the minimum needed.The development of commercial and social pressures comes as the shipping industry faces a make or break year. The IMO is hoping to get its design index sorted out and made mandatory and to develop a market-based measure.These are the two mandatory tools it hopes will demonstrate movement in tackling CO2 emissions from shipping.

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Potential costs of retrofitting ballast water treatment systems

Installation numbers are low Solutions have extensively covered ballast water treatment systems over the years but with the IMO Ballast Water Convention still not ratified, installation numbers have been low.When the time comes for existing vessels to be fitted there is a chance that some obstacles may be encountered. The IMO Ballast Water Convention is a well-known feature of the legislative landscape in the shipping sector.Less well appreciated are some of the technical complications and potential costs of retrofitting ballast water treatment systems.

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Revision of IMO Circular Letter 3175 Rev1

Navigation in the sea area surrounding Japan The IMO Circular Letter No. 3175 Rev1 - Subject: Navigation in the sea area surrounding Japan in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami of 11 March 2011 - issued on 1 April 2011 has been revised.Revision 2 advisesthat on 12 April 2011, the accident assessment was revised from Level 5 to Level 7 following updated information regarding the estimated amounts of radioactive material discharged to the atmosphere. Radiation monitoring around airports and seaports in Japan continues to confirm that levels remain well within safe limits from a health perspective.In addition, monitoring of passengers, crew and cargo from Japan carried out to date in other countries, in accordance with national policies, does not suggest health or safety risks. Therefore, screening for radiation at airports and seaports around the world for health and safety purposes is currently considered unnecessary.To view Circular Letter No. 3175 Rev2 click hereSource : IMO

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Severn Trent De Nora to showcase Water & Wastewater Treatment Technologies

Offshore Technology Conference Severn Trent De Nora, a leading provider of electrolytic seawater disinfection systems, will showcase its line of water and wastewater treatment systems at theOffshore Technology Conference to be held May 2-5, 2011, at Reliant Park in Houston, Texas.The following products will be featured during the conference: The OMNIPURETM Series 55 marine sewage treatment system utilizes a unique electrolytic treatment process combined with electrocoagulation to provide safe and effective treatment of black and gray water.The certified treatment process provides wastewater effluent quality well below MEPC.159(55) requirements while eliminating the need to handle waste solids from raw, untreated influent.Along with a unique solids management system that removes concentrated solids automatically, in situ, the light-weight systems feature a small footprint and are easy to install and maintain. With an individual unit capacity ranging up to 17,280 gal/day (65 m3/day), OMNIPURE 55 systems can be combined for increased capacity.The systems have Bureau Veritas certification and USCG certification to IMO Resolution MEPC.159(55). A scale model of the OMNIPURE Series 55 will be at the booth for technology demonstrations.The SANILEC?electrochlorination system generates hypochlorite from seawater and has demonstrated reliable, economic and low-maintenance operation in installations throughout the world.When injected into the cooling water ...

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IMO expresses concern over mistreatment of seafarers held hostage by pirates

Condemns their use as human shields In the context of the recently-released Indian ship M/V Asphalt Venture, IMO reiterates its condemnation of all acts of piracy and armed robbery against ships and expresses its concern over the treatment of seafarers being held hostage by pirates operating in waters off the coast of Somalia.In particular, it condemns their use as "human shields" on board recently hijacked ships used as "motherships", or ashore.The M/V Asphalt Venture was hijacked by Somali pirates on 29 September 2010 and was released on 15 April 2011. However, six officers and one rating had been removed from the ship and, at the time of release, were being held at an undisclosed location ashore, where they remain.IMO is concerned for the welfare of all innocent seafarers being held in captivity, and is working towards their timely release. Using seafarers as human shields to continue to engage in piracy - one of the most heinous of crimes against humanity at sea - is totally unacceptable.The IMO World Maritime Day theme for 2011, "Piracy: orchestrating the response" - and its associated action plan - embrace the concept that the safety and well-being of seafarers should be of paramount importance.Source: IMO

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Current situation for travel and transport to and from Japan

No present health or transportation safety hazards The United Nations organizations closely monitoring the effects of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi plant remain confident that current radiation levels do not present health or transportation safety hazards to passengers and crew.On 18 March, based on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES), the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry assessed the significance rating of the accident at the plant as Level 5. On 12 April, this assessment was revised to Level 7 following information obtained from estimations of the amount of radioactive material discharged to the atmosphere.Radiation monitoring around airports and seaports in Japan continues to confirm that levels remain well within safe limits from a health perspective. In addition, monitoring of passengers, crew and cargo from Japan carried out to date in other countries, in accordance with their national policy, does not suggest any health or safety risk. Therefore, screening of radiation for health and safety purposes is currently considered unnecessary at airports and seaports around the world.Information concerning travel and transport to and from Japan by air or sea is not dependent on the INES rating. Further information covering all aspects of the response of the Ministry of ...

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