Tag: Gulf of Oman

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Stena Bulk wants to gain access to Stena Impero

Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management released an announcement demanding to be granted access to the vessel 'Stena Impero' to conduct a full assessment. However, they are still waiting for a response from Iranian authorities. They also stated that there is no current evidence the ship has breached any maritime rules or regulations, and they supported 'the professionalism and conduct of the crew of the Stena Impero.'

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European countries support UK’s plan for Hormuz naval mission

France, Italy and Denmark are supporting an UK plan for a European-led naval mission to ensure safe transits through the Strait of Hormuz, after Iran seized a British-flagged tanker, according to three senior EU diplomats. Except for this idea, British foreign ministry and defense officials have also discussed about a possible mission, which would involve not just ships but aircrafts too.

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HRAS calls for update at Deprivation of Liberty at Sea Guidance

After the detention by Iranian Revolutionary Guard forces of the UK-flagged Stena Impero on 19 July and the latest reported actions which have seen the 23 person crew taken off the ship for 'questioning', Human Rights at Sea reinstated its call for widely-accepted UN guidance, describing the basic human rights protections for crew during the deprivation of their liberty in such cases.

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