Tag: Gulf of Mexico

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Leaking lube oil led to fire at fishing vessel

On August 31, 2018, the fishing vessel Master D was transiting with three crewmembers in the Gulf of Mexico 45 miles southeast of South Padre Island, Texas, when a fire in the engine room erupted. After unsuccessfully trying to extinguish the fire, the crew abandoned the vessel without injury. The fire continued to burn until the vessel sank the next day. An oil sheen of around 400 yards by 1 mile was visible in the water after the sinking. The estimated property damage was more than $162,000, the NTSB report notes.

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BSEE to investigate recent accidents in Gulf of Mexico

US Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Gulf of Mexico Regional Director Lars Herbst has established two panels to investigate two serious incidents that took place in the Gulf of Mexico last week. Investigation panels will issue reports with their findings regarding the causes and make suggestions on how to improve current safety measures after the investigations are completed.

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