Tag: green practices

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Port of LA to develop zero emissions technologies

  The Port of Los Angeles has issued a draft white paper on zero emission technology that details the Port’s testing of zero emissions technology to date, and its proposed near-term plan for encouraging zero emission technology use in maritime goods movement, particularly as it relates to drayage trucks and yard tractors. By 2020, the Port plans to facilitate testing and development of up to 200 zero emission vehicles. “While we’ve made great strides in reducing emissions and greenhouse gas emissions over the last decade, the Port of Los Angeles continues to look for new opportunities to further cut pollutants, especially greenhouse gas,” said Chris Cannon, Chief Sustainability Officer and Director of Environmental Management at the Port. “We think zero emission technology in key operational sectors has strong potential to help us achieve these reductions.” Developed by the Port’s environmental management team the draft white paper outlines next steps regarding current and planned zero emission demonstration projects. It also includes recommendations for zero emission-related infrastructure planning, as well as strategies for pursuing local, state and federal funding for near-term zero emission equipment testing and for long-term capital investments and operations. Source & Image Credit : Port of Los AngelesIn the ...

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Joint next-generation LNG carrier concept introduced

  DNV GL is pleased to announce the completion of the LNGreen joint industry project, which worked to develop a state-of-the-art next-generation LNG carrier. The LNGreen joint industry project brought together experts from DNV GL and industry specialists from GTT, Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) and the shipowner GasLog. Each of the project partners contributed their unique know-how and experience, to develop tomorrow’s LNG carrier using the latest technology, within the bounds of existing shipbuilding methods. The vessel concept has a significantly improved environmental footprint, a higher level of energy efficiency, as well as an improved boil-off rate and cargo capacity, making it much better suited to future trading patterns than existing vessels. LNGreen investigated the improvement of efficiency and performance of LNG carriers by considering actual operational conditions and optimisation in terms of hydrodynamics, machinery and system configuration. These developments were based on DNV GL’s integrated systems engineering approach COSSMOS, state-of-the-art computational fluid dynamics calculations (CFD), and a containment system design, tailored to a specific operational profile and anticipated trades. Martin Davies, the Project Manager at DNV GL stated that “using enabling computer tools we managed to develop a vessel which is approximately 8% more energy efficient and has increased ...

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Port of Prince Rupert expands green program

With the maritime shipping industry making investment in sustainable practices and technologies a priority, the Port of Prince Rupert is enhancing one of its programs that rewards positive environmental performance.   Launched in 2013, the Green Wave program provides incentives for shipping companies to install emission-reduction technology or other sustainable systems on vessels.The Port Authority offers discounts on harbour dues when such vessels call at the Port of Prince Rupert. In 2014, participation grew to 140 vessels, accounting for nearly half of the Port’s 494 vessel annual calls.  “2015 has already seen even greater year-over-year participation, which is a testament to the shipping industry’s awareness and support for increased environmental performance and sustainability,” said Don Krusel, President and CEO of the Prince Rupert Port Authority. “By rewarding clean vessels, we are reducing local air emissions and connecting to a global effort to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.” The program uses rankings in various environmental programs including RightShip, Green Marine, the Environmental Ship Index, the Green Award, Clean Shipping Index and the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). Earlier this month the Port of Prince Rupert rolled out revisions to a number of program criteria, both to increase the recognition of vessels with ...

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BG Group initiatives to tackle climate change

  BG Group is helping to develop major international initiatives to tackle key climate change issues in collaboration with other leading oil and gas companies. The company aims to be part of the solution in meeting global energy demand while addressing the critical challenge, for society and our industry, of climate change and the transition to lower carbon energy. Helge Lund, Chief Executive, said, “It is clear there is no simple solution to climate change or formula to the transition to lower carbon energy. The scale of collaboration required is virtually unprecedented, but we are committed to being proactive and play our part. We are helping lead global initiatives which make commitments on key climate change challenges such as managing methane emissions, eliminating routine flaring, advocating for a price on carbon, promoting the role for natural gas, and collaborating with oil and gas peers to share best practice and act together. We are taking clear steps to improve the energy efficiency of our operations as well as contributing to a lower carbon energy mix by driving industry action.” BG Group has added its voice to an industry statement calling for a price on carbon Early this month, major oil and ...

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How to make a ship ready for shore connection

  Complying with environmental regulations and being energy efficient are key commercial differentiators in the shipping industry. Counting with these differentiators requires of having good knowledge of technology’s effects, side-effects and operational implications, explains Christian Collombet, Electrical distribution expert, Schneider Electric. Shore connection has proven to be a longer term solution when we look at the implementation, logistical, environmental and financial aspects of vessels’ operations at berth. Shore connection, enables ships to turn off their diesel engines and connect to on-shore electric power. Shore-based electricity then runs all onboard services required at berth such as safety, ventilation, air conditioning, ballast, etc. Shore Connection On-board installation Shore Connection on-board is conceived to reduce the environmental impact of ships at berth. This technology is also able to increase the energy efficiency of these mooring ships. To use power from the shore-based electricity grid, ships must be either built or retrofitted with equipment that enables the connection to shore grid, synchronizes the power changeover from shore to ship and connects the incoming power supply to the ship’s auxiliary power system. A case study: La Meridionale La Meridionale is a shipping company that manages three vessels between Marseille and the island of Corsica in ...

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Port of Oakland diesel emissions way down

  Port of Oakland efforts to cut diesel emissions are producing dramatic results and gaining global recognition. That was the message from two events last week highlighting Port programs that target truck and vessel exhaust.   A University of California expert presented research showing a 76 percent drop in black carbon emission from harbor trucks. One day later, Chinese officials from Tianjin, the world’s fourth-largest port, visited Oakland to find out how it’s done. “Oakland ranks among the best in the world and we want to learn how you control pollution,” said Wen Wurui, Director General of the Tianjin Environmental Protection Bureau. UC Civil and Environmental Engineering Prof. Robert Harley said state and Port programs have modernized Oakland’s harbor truck fleet. The result: not only are black carbon emissions plummeting, but nitrogen oxides, which create ozone, are down 53 percent. Prof. Harley’s Oakland research, conducted between 2009 and 2013, was shared at a state Environmental Protection Agency webcast in Sacramento. According to the Port, its truck programs eliminated 14 tons of diesel particulate emissions between 2005 and 2012. During the same period, it eliminated another 151 tons of particulate matter from vessels. Further reductions have been achieved since then, the ...

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Scientists create new technology to reduce underwater vessels drag

  Researchers have developed a nanofur structure that significantly reduces fluid drag. For instance, consider the big amount of fuel used by the 90,000 ocean-going cargo ships that roam the seas (international shipping uses about 300 million metric tons of fuel and it is estimated it is responsible for 3.5% to 4% of all climate change emissions). Most of the energy in shipping is used to overcome surface friction. Therefore an effective way to reduce frictional drag underwater could significantly reduce marine fuel consumption, thus making the shipping industry more efficient and environmental friendly. Additionally, in most applications which involve moving liquids through pipes and tubes of different sizes, a lot of the energy is used to overcome the drag the fluid experiences moving over the sidewalls. Here as well, a drag reducing coating could compensate this effect and increase efficiency in these areas.Both the fern and the insect have surfaces covered by high density hairs which allow them to keep an air layer under water. This enables the Notonecta glauca bug to move nimbly and swiftly through the water by reducing the drag on its surface. Scientists at the Institute for Microstructure Technology (IMT), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, have ...

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MPA Singapore issues Annual Report for 2014

  The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore has achieved a first in the maritime industry and public sector with its inaugural Sustainability and Integrated Report titled "Towards a Future Ready Maritime Singapore". The report follows the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4's Comprehensive Guidelines for Sustainability Reporting as well as Integrated Reporting adhering to the International Integrated Reporting Council's (IIRC) Framework. For Financial Year 2014, MPA has departed from its previous reporting format and adopted a more holistic approach in reporting its performance to its stakeholders, covering both internal and external stakeholders comprising its customers and partners, suppliers and vendors, as well as its employees. This shift reflects the move by MPA to adopt a more integrated approach in discharging its roles and responsibilities, whereby beyond promoting and regulating the maritime industry and ensuring the smooth operations at the port, it will also champion broader efforts with the maritime community in ensuring the maritime industry creates a positive impact on society, economy and environment. Recent initiatives include setting up the MPA Sustainability Office last year to drive programmes such as the Maritime Singapore Green Initiative (MSGI) in encouraging more members of the shipping community to adopt eco-friendly ship designs and ...

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Port Metro Vancouver focus on green practices

The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, doing business as Port Metro Vancouver, is responsible for facilitating trade through Canada’s largest port. Port Metro Vancouver has recently issued Sustainability Report for 2014 providing an overview of the port authority’s environmental, social and economic performance over the year. The Sustainability Report explains how Port Authority will promote long-term sustainable development of the gateway up to 2050 where its target is to ''plan for the long term by tracking key drivers of change, using scenarios to challenge assumptions and identifying opportunities to integrate sustainability into busing planning process and strategic priorities. '' Learn more about Port 2050 at http://portmetrovancouver.com/port2050 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmIBnwgELEs The report, which is intended to provide greater transparency and accountability in how Port Metro Vancouver  conducts business, focuses on material topics across three themes – economic prosperity through trade, a healthy environment and thriving communities.   Sustainability at a glance       A sustainable gateway maintains a healthy environment focusing on healthy ecosystems, climate action and Responsible Practices. It improves  air quality, advances alternative energy, and promotes energy conservation to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and protect human health Air Emissions Regional air quality is affected by criteria air contaminants and greenhouse gas emissions from port-related activities, many ...

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Port of Gothenburg invests in solar power panels

  The Port of Gothenburg is currently investing in solar power panels. A 250 square metre solar panel array will be installed on the roof of the head office. Once completed, it will be the most efficient solar panel facility in western Sweden. The Port of Gothenburg expects to save SEK 60,000 in energy costs each year. A 250 square metre solar panel array is currently being installed on the roof of Amerikaskjulet, which is the building in which the Port of Gothenburg has its head office. The panels will generate 55 megawatt-hours of electricity each year – equivalent to around five per cent of the building's total energy consumption. "The Port of Gothenburg aims to be climate neutral. With this new facility our head office will be more energy efficient," said Edvard Molitor, Senior Manager Environment at the Port of Gothenburg. The Port of Gothenburg also estimates that it will save SEK 60,000 in energy costs each year. Most efficient solar panel array in western Sweden The panels that have been chosen are among the best available. Once installation has been completed in June it will be the most efficient solar panel array in western Sweden, calculated in terms ...

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