Tag: Greece

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Allseas Marine receives MLC certification

GL at Posidonia 2012 Allseas Marine S.A. was presented with Maritime Labour Statements of Compliance by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) for the vessels "Calm Seas", "Kind Seas" and "Pearl Seas". The certificates were presented to Michael Bodouroglou, Managing Director of the Allseas Marine by Oliver Darley, Vice President and Global Head of Systems Certification at GL and Athanasios Reisopoulos, Vice President, GL Area Office Southern Europe, at GL's booth at the Posidonia 2012 exhibition in Greece. Through the presentation of these certificates GL's confirms that the working and living conditions of the crew on these cargo ships meet the requirements of the incoming Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC 2006).GL carried out inspections on board the three vessels between March and May 2012, the "Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance" (DMLC) was also checked by Germanischer Lloyd. During the survey, GL inspectors made sure that all required documents were present on board, interviewed crew members, and examined the accommodations areas, galley, store rooms and medical care facilities of the individual vessels."Obtaining a Statement of Compliance in advance of the entry into force of the MLC, 2006 reflects the commitment of Allseas to ensuring that the seafarers working on board their vessels enjoy decent ...

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Cruise Industry Growth Maintained in Greece Despite Difficult Economic Climate

But serious obstacles could threaten future growth, says European Cruise Council Senior representatives of the European Cruise Council (ECC) told the Posidonia Forum, meeting in Athens today, that the growth of the cruise sector in Greece is being maintained, despite the difficult economic climate. ECC Chairman, Manfredi Lefebvre D'Ovidio and Chairman of the ECC Port Sub-Committee, Neil Palomba, both warned of significant potential obstacles and challenges that could seriously threaten the steady growth of the sector, but added that incentives could help the cruise industry play a key role in the economic recovery of the country.The ECC Chairman told the Forum that Greece is "a key cruise destination in Europe", with some 4.7 million passengers arriving at Greek ports, 17% of the total European market, ranking third in Europe, only behind Italy and Spain. Passenger expenditure in Greece is some 470 million and direct cruise industry expenditure - passenger and cruise purchases, shipbuilding, employee compensation, cruise line purchases amounts to 14 billion across Europe, and close to 600mn in Greece.ECC Chairman, Manfredi Lefebvre D'Ovidio said: "These impressive figures clearly show the social and economic importance of the cruise sector both to Europe generally and to Greece in particular. However, there ...

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Greece hosts world’s largest shipping fair

Posidonia 2012 , 4-8 June Posidonia, the world's largest shipping fair, was set to open its doors later Monday amid growing concerns about the global economy and worries about host country Greece's uncertain future.The five-day event, now in its fifth decade, includes 1,870 exhibitors from 87 countries, a new record, and was expected to attract 17,000 visitors, showing that Greece "remains open for business," said organiser Theodore Vokos.The Chinese shipbuilding industry was once again fielding the strongest contingent of exhibitors, one of 21 countries from Africa, Europe, North America, Latin America and Asia including Japan and South Korea with national pavilions.Held every two years, one of the main talking points at the conference was expected to be prospects for the global economy, with volumes of goods shipped around the oceans of the world a key indicator.Worse-than-expected US jobs data on Friday reignited worries about the strength of the recovery in world's largest economy, the eurozone remains in crisis and indicators from China and India have also disappointed.The Greek shipping industry, the biggest in the world by tonnage, already saw profits slump by 8.6 percent last year, according to the Union of Greek Shipowners -- and not because of the crisis ...

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ABS Nautical Systems Signs Two New Contracts in Greece

For use of its NS5 Enterprise software ABS Nautical Systems has signed two new contracts in Greece with Petrochem General Management S.A. and Opera S.A. for use of its NS5 Enterprise software.Both companies will take advantage of the ABS Newbuild Program which offers free software to ABS-classed vessels built after 1 January 2009.Petrochem General Management S.A. will implement the Hull Inspection module on seven of its chemical carriers. The Piraeus-based company was looking for a more user-friendly software solution that could integrate with its current Planned Maintenance System to provide advanced information sharing between its vessels and central office location.Athens-based company, Opera S.A. wants to computerize its current in-house PMS system, and will implement the Hull Inspection and Maintenance Manager modules on two of its vessels and in one central office location.These modules will provide both companies the tools necessary to support equipment maintenance and hull integrity.Source: ABS Nautical Systems

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The Success Story that is Hellenic Shipping and Posidonia

Posidonia 2012 , 4-8 June A comprehensive conference programme, a new venue and an enhanced networking and recreational calendar are the highlights of the Posidonia 2012 week which sets sail this Friday with its trademark Posidonia Cup Yacht race. The world's premier maritime event is also set to create a new record in terms of exhibitors and visitors as it enters its fifth decade, confirming that Greece is open for business.Posidonia exhibition opens on June 4 at Metropolitan Expo Centre, which is equipped to provide enhanced services and an overall better experience to the estimated 1,870 exhibitors from 87 countries and 17,000 visitors expected to go through its gates during the five day event. The modern, state-of-the-art venue boasts a floor space of 60,000 square metres that includes dedicated conference facilities which will host a busy schedule of meetings and seminars in what is Posidonia's most comprehensive conference programme ever"Our exhibitors and visitors will have the opportunity to attend a wide array of seminars on important maritime topics ranging from shipbuilding to piracy and from environmental policies to new technologies, all within the comfortable confines of Metropolitan Expo's facilities", said Theodore Vokos, Project Director of Posidonia Exhibitions organisers of the ...

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Deepest Roman shipwrecks found near Greece

Ancient seafarers were more adventurous than thought Two Roman-era shipwrecks have been found in deep water off a western Greek island, challenging the idea that ancient shipmasters stuck to coastal routes.The merchant ships were sunk nearly a mile deep between Corfu and Italy - proving that ancient traders didn't 'hug the shore'.Greece's culture ministry said the two third-century wrecks were discovered earlier this month during a survey of an area where a Greek-Italian gas pipeline is to be sunk.Broken ancient pottery from the 3rd Century AD ship: The merchant ships were sunk nearly a mile deep between Corfu and Italy - proving that ancient traders didn't 'hug the shore'They lay between 0.7-0.9 miles deep in the sea between Corfu and Italy.That would place them among the deepest known ancient wrecks in the Mediterranean, apart from remains found in 1999 of an older vessel some 3 kilometers 1.8 miles deep off Cyprus.Angeliki Simossi, head of Greece's underwater antiquities department, said sunken ancient ships are generally found 100-130 feet deep.Most scholars believe that ancient traders were unwilling to veer far offshore, unlike warships which were unburdened by ballast and cargo.'There are many Roman shipwrecks, but these are in deep waters. They were ...

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Greek owners clinch major energy efficiency standard

ISO 50001 certification by Lloyd's Register Two Greek companies are at the forefront of a new standard Lloyd's Register is using to help shipowners and operators comply with the IMO's SEEMP requirements on 1 January, 2013.Two Greek companies, Maran Tankers and Capital Ship Management, have adopted the standard, ISO 50001, which provides an energy management framework to meet both SEEMP and the IMO's Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI).Stavros Meidanis, LRQA's Marine Business Support Centre Manager who led the LRQA-created project, said: "It will help companies reduce their outlays as energy costs increase and seriously affect profitability. Another important benefit is that it will reduce carbon emissions."You can read about this and other major Greek developments and events in the Mayedition ofHorizons, Lloyd's Register's marine magazine.Source: Lloyd's Register

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Shipping Conference: Can Greece Maintain Global Dominance?

On 30 May 2012, Piraeus- Greece Business File and Economia BUSINESS TANK of Economia Group, invites you to a conference regarding Shipping: Can Greece Maintain Global Dominance?The event will take place on Wednesday, 30 May 2012, at 15:30, in the hall of the Piraeus Port Authority, Akti Miaouli 10, Piraeus.Welcome address:Alexandra C. Vovolini, President of Economia GroupYiannis Stournaras, Minister for Development, Competitiveness and ShippingDr. David Landsman, H.E. the British Ambassador to GreeceHaris Economopoulos, President of the British-Hellenic Chamber of CommerceSpeakers and Topics:Athanasios Reisopoulos, Vice president of the Germanischer Lloyd"Green Shipping"George Xiradakis, Managing director of XRTC Business Consultantsand Secretary general of the Union of Banking and Financial Executives of Greek Shipping"The relationship between Greece and China in the shipping sector"Apostolos Belokas, Managing director of IBS Marine Group"Maritime Security, safety regulations and the daily running of the ship" (competent crew)Vassilis Mantzavinos, General Manager of Unicredit Bank AG Group in Greece"Shipping Finance""The future of Greek Shipping: predictions in the coming years"Thanassis Martinos, Managing Director, Eastern Mediterranean LimitedGeorge Gourdomichalis, President and Managing Director, G Bros Maritime SAVassilis Bacolitsas, Managing Director, Sea Pioneer Shipping CorporationHarry Vafias, President and CEO, StealthGasCoordinator: Philip Pangalos, editor-in-chief of BUSINESS FILE Athens correspondent of THE SUNDAY TIMES, THE TIMES and ...

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Pirates seize Greek-owned tanker off Oman

Greek-owned oil tanker has been hijacked Pirates have hijacked a Greek-owned oil tanker carrying 135,000 metric tonnes of crude oil while in the Arabian Sea, the first successful attack on an oil tanker off the Horn of Africa in more than a year.The vessel's manager, Dynacom Tankers Management, said it had lost contact with the crew of the MT Smyrni, a Suezmax-class tanker, following the attack off Oman at 1115 GMT (12.15 p.m. British time) on Thursday."The Liberian-flagged Tanker, the M/T SMYRNI, is carrying a cargo of 135,000 MT of crude oil," it said.Suezmax tankers typically can transport a crude oil cargo of up to 1 million barrels, compared with 2 to 3 million barrels for very large oil tankers.Dynacom gave no further details but Kenya-based piracy expert Andrew Mwangura said the vessel was headed for the Somali coastline. Industry websites said the vessel had sailed from Turkey, but there were mixed reports about its destination."Aboard are nine Indians and about eight Filipinos," Mwangura, who is maritime editor of Somalia Report, said."It is headed to Somalia," he added.OceanUSlive.Org, a social networking site for the maritime industry, said the attack was one of four to have taken place in the Arabian ...

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Danaos to install broadband system on 63 vessels

A reliable cost effective solution onboard its fleet Vizada and its partner SRH Marine Electronics report that they have signed a 24-month agreement with Danaos Shipping Co. Ltd to equip the company's fleet of 63 vessels with a broadband communications system.The agreement includes the provision of 1 GB of connectivity to the fleet over Inmarsat FleetBroadband terminals, to be managed via Vizada's XChange and Crew PC services.Greece-based Danaos Shipping provides ship management services to one of the world's largest fleets of containerships, with a number of additional diverse shipbuilding projects in the pipeline.SRH will provide the Thrane & Thrane Sailor FleetBroadband terminals, while Vizada will provide its XChange platform, a piece of hardware installed onboard offering a user interface that will allow Danaos IT managers or captains to choose settings and configurations to make the best use of the FleetBroadband connectivity.The XChange system also includes web compression and filtering capabilities, and optimised connectivity switching features.The Crew PC system which will also be installed onboard the vessels is a computer that comes preconfigured to match the communication needs of the Danaos crew.This will include elements such as web browsing and options for chatting with loved ones onshore during downtime aboard."In this ...

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