Tag: garbage management

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Revision of MARPOL Annex V

Due to enter into force on 01 January 2013 Revised Marpol Annex V is due to enter into force on 01 January 2013.The International Maritime Organization (IMO) Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) issued a revised Annex V to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) under Resolution MEPC.201(62). A copy of the Resolution can be read here.The revision reverses the historical presumption that garbage may be discharged into the sea based on the nature of the garbage and defined distances from shore and now prohibits the discharge of all types of garbage into the sea unless explicitly permitted in regulations 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Annex. Regulation 7 allows for limited exceptions to these regulations to cover emergencies or non-routine situations.The new regulations generally restrict discharge overboard to food wastes, identified cargo residues which are not covered by other Annexes to the Convention, animal carcasses, identified cleaning agents and additives and cargo residues entrained in hold washwater which are not harmful to the marine environment. Where possible, it is recommended that all garbage is discharged to appropriate port reception facilities.In order to assist with the implementation of and to ensure compliance with the revised ...

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Ships’ Garbage Management under Revised MARPOL Annex V

To come into force on 1 January 2013. Revised MARPOL Annex V sets new regulatory requirements regardingthe disposal of garbage from ships and will come into forceon 1 January 2013. The new amendments prohibit the disposal of almost all kinds of garbage at sea with the exemption under specific requirements of food waste, animal carcasses, cargo residues contained in wash water and environmental friendly cleaning agents. As a result of these regulations more and more ships will dispose theirship-generated waste to reception facilities ashore.MARPOL Annex V applies to all ships.Generally, discharge is restricted to food wastes, identified cargo residues, animal carcasses, and identified cleaning agents and additives in washwater which are not harmful to the marine environment. Garbage discharge regulations do not apply when the discharge of garbage from a ship was a necessary action for the purpose ofsecuring the safety of a ship and those on board or saving life at sea. In such casesan entry should be made in the Garbage Record Book, or in theship's official log-book forships of less than 400 gross tonnage.According to revised MARPOL Annex V shipboard generated garbage is to be grouped into the following categories:Plastics -Garbage thatconsists of or includes plastic in ...

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Plastic Found in Nine Percent of Garbage Patch Fish

Tens of Thousands of Tons of Debris Annually Ingested The first scientific results from an ambitious voyage led by a group of graduate students from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego offer a stark view of human pollution and its infiltration of an area of the ocean that has been labeled as the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch."Two graduate students with the Scripps Environmental Accumulation of Plastic Expedition, or SEAPLEX, found evidence of plastic waste in more than nine percent of the stomachs of fish collected during their voyage to the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Based on their evidence, authors Peter Davison and Rebecca Asch estimate that fish in the intermediate ocean depths of the North Pacific ingest plastic at a rate of roughly 12,000- to 24,000 tons per year.Their results were published June 27 in the journal Marine Ecology Progress Series.During the SEAPLEX voyage in August 2009, a team of Scripps graduate students traveled more than 1,000 miles west of California to the eastern sector of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre aboard the Scripps research vessel New Horizon. Over 20 days the students, New Horizon crew and expedition volunteers conducted comprehensive and rigorous scientific sampling at numerous locations. ...

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