Vessel fined for discharge of garbage and sewage in Bohai Sea
The West of England P&I Club informs that an entered vessel was recently fined USD 8,500 for disposing of garbage within the Bohai Sea.
Read moreDetailsThe West of England P&I Club informs that an entered vessel was recently fined USD 8,500 for disposing of garbage within the Bohai Sea.
Read moreDetailsAMSA has issued Marine Notice to provide advise on how to ensure adequate waste reception facilities. The provision of adequate port waste reception facilities for ship-generated waste is vital to preventing marine pollution.
Read moreDetailsFrom 1 January 2016 sea-going vessels will be able to dispose of unlimited plastic ships’ waste free of charge in the ports of Rotterdam Rijnmond and the North Sea Channel district.
Read moreDetailsAn increasing number of vessels have been fined for violating Chinese pollution regulations relating to discharges of garbage/sewage in the Bohai Sea
Read moreDetailsThe London P&I Club has issued Alert News regarding penalties imposed on operators for waste discharged in Bohai Bay, Tianjin
Read moreDetailsThe Australian Maritime Safety Authority has successfully prosecuted the master and owners of the Hong Kong registered bulk carrier ANL Kardinia for illegally dumping garbage in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. One Armania Shipping Ltd and the master of ANL Kardinia were found guilty on July 20 in the Townsville Magistrates Court on one charge each of illegally disposing of garbage under the Protection of the Sea (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act 1983. The illegal discharge took place on 13 February 2015 and was detected by an AMSA Inspector during a routine Port State Control inspection in Brisbane on 16 February 2015. The AMSA Inspector examined ANL Kardinia’s Garbage Record Book and discovered an entry for a discharge of food waste within the prohibited discharge area of the Great Barrier Reef. One Armania Shipping Ltd was fined $4,000 and the master was fined $300 for the illegal discharge. AMSA Chief Executive Officer Mick Kinley said masters and owners of vessels should be warned that the illegal discharge of ships’ waste would not be tolerated in Australian waters. “Australia has a robust Port State Control regime, designed to ensure ship owners and their masters are following the rules ...
Read moreDetailsA new briquetting technology by the Finnish company Evac reduces ships’ garbage volume by a factor of 10. Evac’s machine, with a footprint of approximately two square meters, is paired with Evac’s mixed waste macerator to form dry briquettes that can be stored for landing or incinerated at sea. Given heavy legal restrictions on incineration of waste at sea, Evac’s technology is a 24/7 solution that enables cruise ships to remain at sea up to seven times longer. “In an environment when a ship may not use its incinerator, the garbage room will be filled floor to ceiling in two days,” says Jari Jokela, PhD, Evac Senior Process Specialist. “Evac’s briquetting technology enables a cruise ship to potentially operate without incineration or landing the waste for a full two-week voyage.” “Waste stored in the traditional plastic bags has density of 50 to 60 kilos per cubic meter, but the briquette’s density is 550 to 600 kilos per cubic meter,” adds Jokela. The space savings translate to a dramatic reduction in operating costs – an estimated 25% cheaper than incineration when diesel and energy consumption is considered. Jokela says additional savings in total waste management costs can come into play ...
Read moreDetailsThe Hong Kong Marine Department has issued a notice to inform that the existing Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage) Regulation (Cap 413J) will be replaced by a new Regulation, namely, the Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage) Regulation (Cap 413O) giving effect to the latest requirements of the MARPOL Annex V -- Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships. Cap 413O will come into operation on 1 July 2015 and apply to ships within Hong Kong waters and Hong Kong registered ships wherever they are. Amongst others, ships are required to comply with the following requirements under Cap 413O: the discharge of any garbage from a ship within Hong Kong waters is prohibited except cargo hold, deck and external surfaces wash water which does not contain cleaning agents and additives harmful to the marine environment; a ship of 12 metres or more in length overall must display a Garbage Discharge Placard (GDP) onboard to notify crew and passengers of the garbage discharge requirements. a ship, which is : (i) of 100 gross tonnage or above; or (ii) certified to carry 15 or more persons must have onboard a Garbage Management Plan (GMP). The GMP must provide written procedures ...
Read moreDetailsThe Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has prosecuted China Earth Shipping Incorporated, the owners of Panama flagged bulk carrier Xin Tai Hai and its master after it disposed of garbage near Gladstone in June last year. China Earth Shipping Incorporated was convicted of illegally discharging garbage and fined $20,000 in the Townsville Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, November 18. The ship’s master was fined $6000 on charges of illegally discharging garbage and failing to record it in the garbage record book. The company and its master entered pleas of guilty. The charges were a result of an AMSA investigation under the Protection of the Sea (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act. A local fisherman reported seeing a number of plastic bags of dumped rubbish on June 13 last year. AMSA identified Xin Tai Hai as the potential source of the pollution through the Vessel Traffic Service in Gladstone, which tracks vessels transiting through the area after the report was received by the Gladstone Volunteer Marine Service. An AMSA surveyor boarded the ship while it was berthed in Gladstone and the investigation found similar items to those found in the ocean. Ship Safety Division General Manager Allan Schwartz said Australia, in line ...
Read moreDetailsThe UK P&I Club issued a bulleting informing that Club Risk Assessors have noted some vessels that have no explanation of what they have done with their garbage
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