U.S. and European Union to strengthen cooperation to combat illegal fishing
It deprives legal fishermen and coastal communities of up to $23 billion of seafood NOAA Administrator Dr. Jane Lubchenco and Maria Damanaki, European Union commissioner for maritime affairs and fisheries, will sign a historic statement pledging bilateral cooperation to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, known as IUU fishing - a first for the longstanding partnership between the U.S. and the E.U. on fisheries management.The European Union and United States rank first and third, respectively, as the world's top seafood importers (Japan is second). Globally, illegal fishing deprives legal fishermen and coastal communities of up to $23 billion of seafood and seafood products annually. This puts honest fishermen at a disadvantage in the global marketplace. The U.S. and the E.U. recognize their responsibility to protect the oceans' vital food and biodiversity resources.In today's statement, the U.S. and the E.U. make it clear that they are committed to cooperating on combating IUU fishing as the only effective way of ending these practices.Among other things, they agree to work together to support the adoption of effective management measures in regional and international organizations to combat IUU fishing; promote tools that prevent IUU operators from benefiting economically from their illegal activities; exchange information ...
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