Tianjin Explosions and Precautions for Possible Contamination
Tianjin, China Explosions and Precautions for Possible Contamination
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Read moreDetailsThe captain of a petroleum barge that exploded in 2005, resulting in the death of a crew member
Read moreDetailsDNV GL technical update In 2004 in-tank explosions resulted in the total loss of two chemical tankers. The requirements for inerting of cargo tanks did not apply to these vessels. In recent years there have been a significant number of similar explosions and fires on board tankers. The majority of these explosions appear to take place in connection with tank washing and gas-freeing operations.As a consequence of the accidents in 2004, the inert gas requirements for oil and chemical tankers have now been amended.DNV GL has issued Technical Newsletter to inform about these new requirements■ The amendments apply to oil and chemical tankers constructed on or after 1st January 2016.■ The amendments do not have retro-active effect for existing tankers constructed before 1st January 2016.■ The amendments have been included in SOLAS Ch.II-2, the IBC code and the FSS code Ch.15.The amendments will have the following effect:1. General for all tankersThe deadweight limit for inert gas requirements has been lowered from 20 000 tonnes deadweight to 8000 tonnes deadweight. Therefore, all oil and chemical tankers of 8000 dwt and above must be provided with a fixed inert gas system. The requirements also apply to gas carriers carrying flammable oils as ...
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Read moreDetailsThe captain of a petroleum barge that exploded in 2005, resulting in the death of a crew member, and the company that owned and operated the vessel were convicted
Read moreDetailsThe blowout preventer that was intented to shut off the flow of high-pressure oil and gas from the Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico during the disaster on the Deepwater Horizon
Read moreDetailsA tanker off the southeast coast of Japan got fire after a massive explosion
Read moreDetailsThe Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) released the panel investigation report into the November 16, 2012 explosion and fire that occurred on a platform operated by Black Elk Energy Offshore Operations. The explosion and fire resulted in the tragic deaths of Ellroy Corporal, Jerome Malagapo, and Avelino Tajonera, serious injuries to others, and the discharge of pollutants into the Gulf of Mexico.
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