Tag: enclosed space entry

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IMO Expected Amendments to SOLAS to Mandate Enclosed Space Entry and Rescue Drills

IMO Sub-Committee on Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers The IMO Sub-Committee on Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers (DSC) during meeting earlier this month has set up a Working Group (WG) to develop amendments to SOLAS to mandate Enclosed Space Entry and Rescue Drills.In developing these amendments, the WG agreed that an enclosed space entry and rescue drill shall be conducted at least once every two months. The group also reviewed the level of participation among the crew, agreeing that crew members with enclosed space entry or rescue responsibilities shall take part in an enclosed space entry and rescue drill.The WG also considered the mandatory carriage and continuous use of an oxygen meter or other such devices but could not identify any appropriate place to mandate for all ships within SOLAS regulation III/19. Noting the provisions in SOLAS regulation VI/3, the group agreed to insert a new provision under paragraph 3 (drills) which will refer to the checking and use of protective equipment required for entry to enclosed spaces, to address this issue.The WG's draft report can be accessed here.Source : IMO

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Entry into Enclosed Space

Hong Kong Merchant Shipping Information Note The Hong Kong Marine Department issues Merchant Shipping Information Note regarding Entry into Enclosed Space as follows:Two similar accidents occurred recently on board two Hong Kong registered chemical tankers causing death of a Chief Officer and a Bosun respectively inside enclosed spaces. This Note draws the attention of the Shipowners, Ship Managers, Ship Operators, Masters, Officers and Crew of Hong Kong registered ships and Classification Societies the important lessons learnt from these accidents.The Incidents1. After the chemical tanker departed the discharge port, crewmembers started cleaning cargo tanks. Upon completion of tank washing, the bosun informed the chief officer that odour came from a cargo tank. The chief officer entered into the cargo tank, but he did not inform other crewmembers nor follow the permit-to-work system before entry. He was later foundunconscious inside the cargo tank and was rescued by crewmembers who entered inside the cargo tank despite oxygen level was still low. The chief officer died of asphyxiation.2. In another accident, the chemical tanker was berthed preparing for loading of propylene oxide, which required all cargo tanks, ballast tanks and cofferdams to be filled up with nitrogen before loading. The bosun was discharging water ...

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Videotel and Mines Rescue Marine to join forces for training series re Entry into Enclosed Spaces

To ensure that when working in enclosed spaces the correct equipment is used Accidents in enclosed spaces are frequent, often fatal - but crucially, also avoidable. Today, Videotel Marine International joins forces with Mines Rescue Marine to launch a brand new training series, Entry into Enclosed Spaces. The programme delivers a hard hitting message to both ship board and shore based personnel that will ensure that when working in enclosed spaces the correct equipment is used and good safety procedures become second nature."There is no excuse for the unacceptable casualties we have seen recently," says Stephen Bond, Deputy Chairman, Videotel. "Again and again we hear of seafarers coming to grief in enclosed spaces. These incidents could have been avoided by an understanding of the dangers of entering enclosed spaces and the critical importance of following proper procedures. We are convinced that the Entry into Enclosed Spaces Training Series will help save lives.""We are delighted to have been able to work with Mines Rescue Marine to create this programme. For over 100 years, their Mines Rescue Service has developed its specialist skills, experience and knowledge gained from working in a difficult and potentially dangerous environment to effect the rescue and escape ...

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