Tag: enclosed space entry

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Nautilus calls for action after enclosed space deaths

Calling for a new drive to end seafarer fatalities in enclosed spaces Nautilus International is calling for the UK to lead a new and concerted drive to end the appalling litany' of seafarer fatalities in enclosed spaces.The Union has written to shipping minister John Hayes following the latest incident, in which two seafarers died in a cargo hold of the Isle of Man-flagged Carisbrooke Shipping general cargo vessel Sally Ann C last month.Investigations into the incident - which took place off the coast of west Africa - are underway, but it is known that the chief officer and chief engineer died after entering a hold where timber was stowed and the second officer had to be rescued after losing consciousness when he went to the aid of his colleagues.In a letter to the minister, Nautilus general secretary Mark Dickinson said the case followed a "very familiar pattern of one crew member collapsing in an oxygen-deficient area, and two more being overcome after entering the space without personal protection equipment in an attempt to rescue their colleagues".Mr Dickinson said there is evidence to show that more seafarers die or are injured in enclosed spaces than through any other onboard work activity. ...

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Mandatory drills for entry into enclosed spaces

SOLAS Regulation III/19 requires drills to be conducted every two months The Skuld P&I Club has posted on its website an article regarding mandatory drills for entry into enclosed spaces. SOLAS RegulationIII/19 requires enclosed space entry drills as well as rescue drills to be conducted every two months.Over the years the Association has had to deal with a number of accidents resulting in fatalities which followed the entry in to an enclosed space starved of oxygen or containing harmful gasses, typically due to a failure to follow safety procedures, and this has affected both crew as well as people coming on board such as stevedores.Incidents have included oxygen starved holds resulting from the carriage of organic cargoes including wheat, timber and logs, but also of mineral cargoes such as DRI or coal. At other times, accidents happened while tanks and / or cargo holds were being inspected or maintenance was carried out.Tragically, these accidents have at times been compounded, because once it became clear that someone was in trouble, someone else rushed to help them - but without themselves first taking proper precautions and using appropriate safety equipment. On occasion a number of fatalities resulted from such an incident.The fatality ...

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New SOLAS requirements for enclosed space entry

LR Statutory Alert Lloyd's Register has issued Statutory Alert regarding the wew SOLAS requirements for enclosed space entry and rescue drills, and draft requirements for portable atmosphere testing.Because of the serious threat posed to people working in enclosed spaces on board ships, the IMO has introduced new requirements to SOLAS Chapter III, regulation 19, which enter into force on 1 January, 2015. From this date, crew members will be required to participate in an enclosed space entry and rescue drill on board the ship at least once every two months.The IMO is also finalising mandatory requirements for portable atmosphere testing instruments to be carried on board ships. These are expected to be adopted in November 2014 for entry into force on 1 July, 2016, as SOLAS regulation XI-1/7. These portable testing instruments will not be used as part of personal protective safety equipment but as part of the ship's equipment. They will be used to test enclosed spaces from the outside to make sure they are safe to enter and will cover, as a minimum, the following gases: oxygen, flammable gasses or vapours, carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulphide.The IMO will be issuing an associated circular providing guidance on selecting portable ...

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New SOLAS requirements for enclosed spaces agreed

IMO DSC 18 agreed on atmosphere testing instruments SOLAS requirementsThe Sub-Committee on Dangerous Goods, Solid cargoes and Containers (DSC) was held by the IMO in London from 16 to 20 September 2013. An issue of special interest was the carriage of appropriate atmosphere testing instruments in Enclosed Space Entries. Enclosed Space EntryOccasioned by a number of accidents where crewmembers have died during inspection and work in enclosedspaces (cargo spaces, tanks, non-ventilated stores rooms, etc.), the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)adopted new regulations on training in enclosed space entry in June this year.It is a precondition for safe entry to such enclosed spaces that the crew have previously ensured that the atmosphere in the space is not harmful. Consequently, the DSC Sub-Committee had been tasked with the drawing up of provisions hereon. New SOLAS requirements for atmosphere testing instruments agreedAccording to IMO DSC Sub-Committee Meeting Summary, the DSC Sub-Committee agreed a new draft SOLAS regulation XI-1/7 on Atmosphere testing instrument for enclosed spaces, to require ships to carry an appropriate portable atmosphere testing instrument or instruments, capable of measuring concentrations of oxygen, flammable gases or vapours, hydrogen sulphide and carbon monoxide, prior to entry into enclosed spaces.The Sub-Committee also agreed a draft MSC circular ...

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