Danish Shipping: EU’s maritime and road CO2 regulation must be aligned
The EU’s CO2 regulation of maritime and road transport must be aligned to ensure a level playing field between the two transport modes, says Danish Shipping.
Read moreDetailsThe EU’s CO2 regulation of maritime and road transport must be aligned to ensure a level playing field between the two transport modes, says Danish Shipping.
Read moreDetailsThe “Fit for 55” proposals and more particularly AFIR, EU ETS and Fuel EU were among the topics that were extensively debated during FEPORT General Assembly meeting held in Brussels on November 30th.
Read moreDetailsAfter the European Parliament, Council and Commission reached a preliminary agreement on maritime elements of the EU ETS, the World Shipping Council (WSC) stated that "liner shipping is ready for the EU ETS Maritime".
Read moreDetailsOn November 29, EU negotiators agreed to bring shipping into the EU’s carbon market (ETS), after landing preliminary agreement for CO2 quotas for maritime.
Read moreDetailsESPO continues to support the extension of the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS) to the maritime sector, recognising that the maritime EU ETS can be a powerful mechanism to accelerate the green transition of the sector.
Read moreDetailsThe ETS must reflect the whole climate footprint of emissions from fuels to be a truly green regulation. This is the message from Danish Shipping in an open letter to EU's decision makers co-signed by organisations from both the energy and shipping sector.
Read moreDetailsWith the theme, "Together for implementation", COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt aims to turn climate pledges into action. COP27 will bring together the governments which have signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol or the Paris Agreement.
Read moreDetailsAs there are ongoing discussions around the potential expansion of the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), MSC provided an update on how these changes may impact ship operations and its clients.
Read moreDetailsESPO, FEPORT, and the European Tugowners Association (ETA) signed a joint press release, recognising the need for the shipping sector to reduce emissions. For this reason, they support requirements for ships to reduce emissions, alongside requirements for the use and deployment of onshore power supply (OPS) where it makes sense in ports.
Read moreDetailsAs the EU and liner shipping are working towards a shared objective to minimize total greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the climate impact of shipping, the World Shipping Council (WSC) believes that the inclusion of shipping in the EU ETS will encourage shipping’s journey towards decarbonisation.
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