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ISPS Code: The Security Decade

Skuld article on how ISPS Code has affected shipping The Skuld P&I Club has posted on its website an article referring to ISPS Code which first came into force in 2004. This article examines how ISPS Code has affected maritime security during the last decade.A failure to comply with the ISPS Code can have a severe impact on the safety of the crew, a vessel's ability to trade and the reputation of her owners/ managers.Most recently it has been the tragic outbreak of Ebola in West Africa that has again highlighted the need to ensure the ISPS Code is understood and adhered to in practice, as vessels seek to protect themselves against possible infection by limiting shore side interaction as well as being alive to an increase risk scenario involving stowaways from countries particularly affected by the outbreak.Further information on what is the ISPS Code, how to comply and what are the consequences from a failure may be found by reading relevant article issued by the Skuld P&I Club. Also article includes Club's case studies and loss prevention advice.For more information please visit : http://www.skuld.com or make contact at : [email protected]

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