Tag: e-navigation

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IMO: E-navigation Underway

E-navigation can offer enhanced safety, better environmental protection, improved traffic management and commercial benefits; and both the technological advances and the advantages they can bring are continuing to evolve. That was the message from IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim in his keynote speech to the International E-Navigation Underway conference

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IMO Maritime Safety Committee 94th Session Outcome

Held in IMO Headquarters, 17-21 November 2014 IMO Secretary-General Sekimizu opened the 94th session of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) chaired by Mr Christian Breinholt (Denmark) / Image Credit: IMO FlickrThe IMO's Committee on Maritime Safety (MSC) held its 94th Session (MSC 94) from Monday 17 through Friday 21 November 2014. The meeting was conducted by Chairman, Mr Christian Breinholt (DENMARK) and his Vice-Chair, Captain M Segar (SINGAPORE); both were re-elected for 2015 during the course of the meeting. Three working groups (WG) and one drafting group (DG) were formed and chaired as follows:WG1Polar and IGF Codes, Mrs J Stemre (NORWAY)WG2Goal Based Standards and Formal Safety Assessment, Mr J Sirkar (USA)WG3Amendments to SOLAS and Related Mandatory Instruments, Mr M Tsuchiya (UK)DG1Amendments to Mandatory Instruments, Mr H Tunfors (SWEDEN)The Polar CodeThe committee approved WG1's report in general and, in particular:approved changes to the definitions of the Polar Code and Arctic waters;instructed the Secretariat to inform MEPC 68 of such changes for harmonisation purposes;adopted a new SOLAR chapter XIV and associated MSC resolution;instructed the III Sub-Committee to consider survey and certification matters under the provisions of the Polar Code in its next review of the HSSC Guidelines;adopted the Polar Code and its ...

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IMO MSC 94 meets next week

From 17 to 21 November 2014, IMO Headquarters, London IMO'sMaritime Safety Committee (MSC), which meets at the Organization's London headquarters for its 94th session, from 17 to 21 November 2014, is expected to adopt the Polar Code and related amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) to make it mandatory.The MSC will also have a number of other items on its busy agenda, including approval of the draft SOLAS amendments to make mandatory the International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code); further work on its action plan on passenger ship safety; and the consideration of items put forward by the sub-committees.Draft mandatory Polar Code and SOLAS amendments to be considered for adoptionThe MSC will be invited to consider, with a view to adoption, the draft International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code), and the proposed draft new SOLAS chapter XIV "Safety measures for ships operating in polar waters", to make the Code (Preamble, Introduction and Part I-A (Safety measures)) mandatory.The draft SOLAS amendments were approved at the last session, with a view to adoption at the current session, along with the Polar Code.The ...

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