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NAPA, ChartWorld to provide AI voyage optimization

NAPA, a maritime software, services and data analysis provider and ChartWorld, a digital chart agent, announced their partnership to provide artificial intelligence-driven voyage planning and optimization. The solution incorporates modules for evaluating the operational efficiency of past voyages. It then uses this data to improve the efficiency of future transits where there are similar variables and trends.

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How e-navigation will transform passage planning

During the 2019 SMART4SEA Conference, Børge Hetland, Director of Sales & Marketing at NAVTOR, shared the company’s experience from its’ involvement in European Research & Development projects to describe how the emerging technology is expected to transform the four stages of the Passage Planning procedure in the very near future. His conclusion was that e-Navigation has already started to transform the passage planning process, and it will result in enormous time savings for navigators when preparing voyages – which means increased efficiency and consequently cost savings.

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