InterManager launches survey on crew communication
Do we know what our crew really wants? InterManager has launched a new survey on crew communication to draw a picture of what crew really wants. There is a lot of talk about communication especially Internet (broad band) for crew, however it is interesting to find out if we actually know our crew needs.The data from this survey will benefit seafarers and the wider industry by giving a full picture of the communications facilities provided at sea, allowing companies and their staff to benchmark provision by sector and across the industry.InterManager invites maritime community to paricipate anonymously on its new survey hereQuestions include seafarer IT skill levels, the provision, type and location of communications on board and what effects seafarers perceive the availability of onboard communications facilities to have on crew members.InterManager Secretary General, Captain Kuba Szymanski, said: "Please help us to grasp the situation and get a clearer picture of what communications facilities are available or needed within the shipping industry."Completed pdf survey answers can be either:1. Scanned and emailed [email protected] or;2. Posted to FUTURENAUTICS (in bulk) at: Futurenautics Ltd, c/o 77 Salisbury Road, Dover, Kent, CT16 1EY, United Kingdom. Futurenautics will reimburse the cost of postage.
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