TRAN discussions on carbon emissions and port regulation
On 9 January, the Transport and Tourism (TRAN) Committee of the European Parliament held a mini-hearing on the NAIADES II programme. The first part of the hearing dealt with the integration of inland waterways in the transport chain whereas the second part of the hearing concentrated on the modernisation of the inland waterway fleet. Among speakers and MEPs there was clear agreement that the inland waterway transport sector should be given more attention. As regards the technical part of the NAIADES II package, the deadline for amendments is 15 January whereas the TRAN Committee will vote on 20 February. On the same day, MEPs debated the report produced by the Commission earlier this year which is entitled Summary of measures that internalise or reduce transport externalities. The report is a request of Directive 2011/76/EU, the Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging. Members of the TRAN Committee considered the Commissions report and the related study not ambitious enough for the following reasons. First, the Commission does not consider current and future national projects that will contribute to reduce external costs. Second, the document does not contemplate an analysis of external costs across the different transport modes. According to the TRAN Committee, ...
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