Tag: CIC results

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norway detains tanker

Paris MoU: Key findings from CIC on Emergency Systems

During a three-month period, started on 1st September 2019 to 30th November 2019, Paris MoU, along with other MoUs and PSC Authorities, conducted a Concentrated Inspection Campaign, on Emergency Systems. Although, the Paris MoU has not issued any report yet, key findings are available on its Inspection Database which we analyze in this article. During the CIC period, a total number of 4,336 inspections conducted, resulting to 9,968 deficiencies and 134 detentions.

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Inspection Campaign

Tokyo MoU presents CIC results on MARPOL Annex VI

Tokyo MoU conducted the concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) on MARPOL Annex VI from 1 September 2018 to 30 November 2018. Member Authorities inspected 6,604 vessels, of which 4 (0.06%) were detained, due to the campaign. Overall, 176 (2.14%) ships were detained during the campaign. The highest number of CIC inspections regarding ship type were performed on bulk carriers 2,402 (36.37%).

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Paris MoU releases CIC results on MLC

The Paris MoU has released a report including the results of its latest CIC which focused on compliance with MLC requirements. The campaign was carried out between 1 Sept to 30 Nov 2016 where a total of 3,674 inspections were carried out and a total of 42 ships were detained. Principal grounds for detention were linked with wages, seafarer’s employment agreement and procedure of complaint areas.

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