Tag: BWM Convention

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ICS Meets in Australia

Focus on piracy, shipping emissions and BWM Convection The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) held its Annual General Meeting in Port Douglas, Queensland, from 24 to 25 May, hosted by the Australian Shipowners' Association. The meeting was held back-to-back with the AGM of the Asian Shipowners' Forum (ASF) which comprises the national shipowners' associations of Asia.At the ICS AGM, national shipowners' associations from Europe, Asia and the Americas, representing all sectors and trades and 80% of the world merchant fleet, considered pressing international issues of concern to global ship operators. Matters discussed included the continuing piracy crisis in the Indian Ocean and the challenge of further reducing ships' CO2 emissions. Another pressing concern discussed by ICS members was the serious problems for shipowners created by the delayed entry into force of the IMO Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention. Ballast Water ChaosThe newly elected ICS Chairman, Mr Masamichi Morooka (Japan) commented:"ICS members identified genuine concerns about the availability of suitable ballast water treatment equipment, the robustness of the type approval process and the huge expense of retrofitting existing ships."Because of major changes proposed at IMO to important draft guidelines on ballast water sampling and analysis that will be used by port ...

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Updates re Environmental Legislation

MEPC 63, new USCG standards, Unitor BWMS recall from the market and the new California sewage water The IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) held its 63rd session from 27 February to 2 March 2012.There was general agreement that treated sewage in ballast tanks is a MARPOL Annex IV issue(Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships); grey water was not discussed in detail. The issue is expected to be addressed at the next MEPC in October. In the meanwhile, DNV recommends not fitting any connections from sewage or grey water to the ballast tanks onboard ships.The IACS proposal to issue certificates prior to the entry into force of the Ballast Water Management Convention (to save time) with a stamp stating that the certificate is only valid once the Convention enters into force received general support. DNV recommends that shipowners request these pre-certificates (together with approved BWM Plans and initial surveys for exchange) at their earliest convenience to avoid queuing up when the BWM Convention is fully ratified.A proposal for test facilities to have a shorter retention time when testing for type approval under the G8 Guidelines of the BWM Convention due to high water temperature was discussed and acknowledged. However ...

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Emission of black cargo in Arctic regions, BWM Convection and the use of natural gas on the agenda

IMO BLG as just held its 16th session in London The United Nations' International Maritime Organization's Sub-Committee on Bulk Liquids and Gases (BLG) has just held its 16th session in London. One of the subjects on the agenda was the effect on the Arctic regions of black carbon emitted from international shipping.The Sub-Committee discussed how to define black carbon from international shipping and how to measure the effect in the Arctic regions.This work was not finalised at the meeting, but the Sub-Committee decided to continue the work in a correspondence group until the next meeting. Furthermore, one would ask the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) to put this issue on the agenda of the BLG Sub-Committee in the future.In addition, the following issues were discussed at this session of the BLG Sub-Committee:- The drafting of guidelines for sampling in connection with the Ballast Water Management Convention (at present, Denmark is preparing ratification of the Ballast Water Management Convention.- The use of natural gas as an alternative fuel in the light of the strict sulphur requirements entering into force in 2015 and the necessary safety regulations concerning ships' use of gas as fuel.Source: Danish Maritime Authority

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Clarification Regarding the Application Dates Contained in Regulation B-3 of the BWM Convention

Hong Kong Merchant Shipping Information Note Hong Kong Marine Department issues Merchant Shipping Information Note regarding Clarification Regarding the Application Dates Contained in Regulation B-3 of the BWM Convention as follows:This Note advises the clarification of IMO on the application schedule of the D-2 standard with regard to ships described in Regulation B-3 of the Ballast Water Management Convention.1.In July 2011, at its 62nd session, IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) further clarified the application schedule of the D-2 standard with regard to ships described in Regulation B-3 of the BWM Convention, and agreed to add new explanatory text relevant to ships described in Regulation B-3.4 to Circular BWM.2/Circ.29 and to disseminatethe expanded circular as BWM.2/Circ.29/Rev.1.2. The Circular BWM.2/Circ.29/Rev.1 dated 26 September 2011 can be found on Marine Department Website at "http://www.mardep.gov.hk/en/msnote/msin.html" and is attached to this MSIN.3. Shipowners, ship managers, operators and classification societies are advised to follow the clarification when applying the relevant provisions of Regulation B-3 of BWM Convention.Source: Hong Kong Marine Department

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Clarification regarding the application dates contained in Regulation B-3 of the BWM Convection

Amendments to BWM.2/Circ.19 The Marine Environment Protection Committee, at its sixty-first session(27 September to 1 October 2010), approved the amendments to BWM.2/Circ.19 regarding the clarification on the application dates of the ballast water performance standard contained in regulation B-3.1 of the BWM Convention.Regulation B-3.1 of the Ballast Water Management Convention provides:"A ship constructed before 2009:.1 with a ballast water capacity of between 1,500 and 5,000 cubic metres,inclusive, shall conduct ballast water management that at least meets thestandard described in regulation D-1 or regulation D-2 until 2014, after whichtime it shall at least meet the standard described in regulation D-2;.2 with a ballast water capacity of less than 1,500 or greater than 5,000 cubicmetres shall conduct ballast water management that at least meets thestandard described in regulation D-1 or regulation D-2 until 2016, after whichtime it shall at least meet the standard described in regulation D-2."For more information, click here.Source: IMO

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