Tag: Best Management Practices (BMP)

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Anti Piracy Best Management Practices BMP4 available

Latest update of the Industry supported Anti Piracy BMPs After a long waited period the latest version of the Anti Piracy Best Management Practices (BMP4) are due to become available to the market.All supporting industry Associations are currently working on a co-ordinated release of the publication by the end of Month. The websites of all supporting organisations will carry official versions of BMP 4.INTERCARGO has produced a summary of the differences between the existing BMP3 and the new version BMP4 which is available herebelow for your easy reference.Please click below to acess :Anti Piracy Best Management Practices BMP4INTERCARGO Comparison Document on BMP3/BMP4Source : INTERCARGO

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ONI Special Advisory – Indian Ocean

All vessels operating in the High Risk Area ought to implement BMP The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) has issued the following advisory:"Possible mother ship activity reported in the vicinity of 09:27N-052:48E, approximately 185NM southwest of Socotra, Yemen. This area will remain high risk for the next 24-48 hours."The Maritime Administrator would take this opportunity to again urge all vessels operating in the High Risk Area to actively implement recommended Best Management Practices for anti-piracy measures as follows:Prepare the crew (refer to Marshall Islands MG-2-11-12); Harden the ship before the ship enters the High Risk Area (HRA); When entering the HRA from the direction of either the Suez Canal, the Arabian Gulf at 26N, the south at 15S or from the east at 78E: o Register the ship with the MSCHOA (http://www.mschoa.org /+44 (0) 1923 958545); o Report to the UKMTO ([email protected] / +971 505 523 215); and Continue to provide daily reports of ship's position, course, speed and estimated and actual arrival times to UKMTO while in the HRA. Remember, the ship must be registered with the MSCHOA and report to the UKMTO with every intended transit of the HRA; Consider participating in the SSRS service (http://ssrs.org); Utilize the ...

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Anti Piracy Best Management Practices No 4 soon to be released

BMP 4 will provide information on the latest updates of countermeasures BMP3 will be updated to BMP4 including all latest developmentsA year after the introduction of the BMP3 the industry is expecting to receive the fourth edition of the Best Management Practices (BMP4) soon. BMP 3 released on June 2010 have been effectively communicated as over 50,000 copies of the BMP 3 booklet have been distributed so far while the BMPs continue to be the respected source of information for industry anti-piracy precautions within the region.However, as Somali pirates are learning from their mistakes and adjusting their modus operandi in response to new industry and military tactics, it's crucially important that the BMP are continuously reviewed and updated to ensure that anti-piracy counter measures and reporting procedures continue to be as effective as possible. Furthermore developments are continuously introduced e.g. with the AIS policy change, the High Risk area definition, the introduction of Armed Security Guards onboard etc.BMP 4 will remain focused on seafarers and ship operators, and will continue to provide basic advice and guidance that is unlikely to change within the next 12 months. Also BMP 4 expected to refer to the MSCHOA and NATO shipping websites to ...

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BMP were successfully used to resist around half of the reported piracy attacks

Measures include training to undertake evasive manoeuvring, and protective procedures Best-Management Practices and other "self-help" measures were successfully used to resist around half of the reported piracy attacks against bulk carriers in the six months between November 2010 and April this year.Of the 43 reported attacks against bulk carriers in this period, at least 19 can be identified as being repelled due to adherence to BMP, according to Intercargo in its bulk-sector analysis report this week."The vaunted adaptability of the pirates needs to be put within the context of a sector playing its part in meeting the challenge through self-help measures as well," said Intercargo.Those measures include training to undertake evasive manoeuvring, and protective procedures such as barbed wire.Citadels have been used by crew in six cases during the period and armed guards have been influential in thwarting at least two attacks.However, despite the success of BMP and self-help measures, some bulk carriers opted not to draw on them."We still find it staggering that some ships, albeit not as many as popularly imagined, are reported by EU Navfor as failing to fully implement BMP," said Intercargo's report."Bulk carriers have a lower incidence of this than their market share... but unless ...

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INTERTANKO urges operators to ensure full compliance with Best Management Practices (BMP)

A view to improvingcompliance of operators Operators are reminded that the Maritime Security Centre - Horn of Africa (MSCHOA) is now issuing a monthly compliance report relating to "Best Management Practices" to shipping industry associations and flag states, which lists vessels which have not complied with one or more of the three main requirements of BMP: registering with MSCHOA, reporting to UKMTO, having visible SPMs (Self Protection Measures) in place.As previously advised, INTERTANKO has now been contacting (confidentially) Members listed in these reports as not being fully compliant with BMP, with a view to improving Member compliance.INTERTANKO understands that there may be reasons why a particular vessel has not complied, such as the presence of armed guards onboard, but irrespective of this we are urging all our Members to ensure that their vessels comply with BMP at all times and in all circumstances, but specifically to verify compliance with the 3 main elements listed above.INTERTANKO continues to strongly urge all Members to support the military, by reviewing their security procedures, by ensuring that their ship masters are fully complying with BMP 3, by hardening their ships against piracy attack (deploying self-protection measures), by keeping the military advised at all times ...

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