Researchers develop AI tool to help ships avoid whale habitats
Researchers developed an AI tool that will help predict endangered whale habitat, guiding ships along the Atlantic coast to avoid them.
Read moreDetailsResearchers developed an AI tool that will help predict endangered whale habitat, guiding ships along the Atlantic coast to avoid them.
Read moreDetailsResearch using Earth system and eddy-permitting coupled ocean–sea-ice models shows that freshening in the subarctic Atlantic Ocean and a weakening of the AMOC contribute to increased temperature and salinity in the South Atlantic.
Read moreDetailsHurricane Beryl, the first hurricane of the 2024 Atlantic season, is the earliest storm in history to reach Category 5 status before weakening to Category 4.
Read moreDetailsA Cyprus-based company that operates several commercial vessels, was fined $2M for concealing illegal discharges of oily water into the Atlantic Ocean.
Read moreDetailsThree days after the autonomous vessel prototype Mayflower began its historic transatlantic crossing of the Atlantic Ocean, the vessel interrupted its journey due to "a small mechanical problem".
Read moreDetailsNOAA's Climate Prediction Center, a division of the US National Weather Service, forecasts an above-normal 2020 Atlantic hurricane season, running from June 1 through November 30. The outlook predicts a 60% chance of an above-normal season, a 30% chance of a near-normal season and only a 10% chance of a below-normal season.
Read moreDetailsFour Royal Navy submariners have completed an epic challenge that saw them row across the Atlantic Ocean. Team HMS Oardacious made the 3,000-mile journey in 36 days, six hours and 40 minutes. Their voyage saw them face 40ft waves, shark-infested waters, busy shipping routes and heavy storms.
Read moreDetailsThe blue economy of the EU Atlantic area is one of the largest in Europe as it amounts to €65 billion gross value and employs more than 1.2 million people. The European Commission reports that the Atlantic stakeholders are reviewing how they can help decarbonize the economy, reduce marine pollution and further promote a sustainable blue economy, looking at the new decade approaching with a new Commission and new funding instruments.
Read moreDetailsThe Delaware State Division of Fish and Wildlife, got the retired cruise ship American Glory and sunk it 16.5 nautical miles off Indian River Inlet, adding another sunken vessel in their artificial reef program. The 200-foot ship got lifted by Norfolk,Virginia-based marine contractor Coleen Marine, which also prepared it for the reef.
Read moreDetailsThe crew of the UK Royal Navy icebreaker 'HMS Protector' discovered an abandoned merchant ship drifting in mid-Atlantic on 31st August. The crew was heading to Bermudas to provide assistance on hurricane relief efforts, at the time.
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