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Foreign flagged vessels operating in Australian near-coastal waters

AMSA Marine Notice No 8.2013 Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has issued Marine Notice No. 8/2013 regarding foreigh flagged vessels operating in Australian near- coastal water.With the commencement of theNavigation Act 2012 and theMarine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Act 2012 (National Law) on 1 July 2013, jurisdiction over foreign flagged commercial vessels in Australian waters will be via theNavigation Act 2012.This includes foreign flagged vessels solely engaged in intra-state operations (i.e. voyages within the waters of an Australian State or Territory). Given the complimentary nature of the application of the new acts, foreign flagged vessels will not be able to operate under Australian State or Territory jurisdiction nor to "declare out" of theNavigation Act 2012.Port State ControlThe operator of a foreign flag vessel operating domestically in Australia must ensure the vessel complies with the requirements of the flag State with regard to certification and manning appropriate to the vessel size, power and operations. This reflects the fact that the flag State is ultimately responsible for the vessel.From 1 July 2013 AMSA will have the ability to conduct port State inspections on all foreign flag vessels in Australian waters, irrespective of the nature of the voyage they are undertaking. ...

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