Tag: Amendments

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Draft Polar Code approved at IMO’s MSC session

Making the Code mandatory under SOLAS IMO's Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) has approved, in principle, the draft Polar Code and related amendments to make the Code mandatory under SOLAS, with a view to formal adoption at its next session in November. The MSC also adopted important SOLAS amendments related to inert gas systems as well as amendments to a number of treaties to bring into force the mandatory IMO audit scheme. Work on passenger ship safety also continued.The MSC met at the Organization's London headquarters for its 93rd session, from 14 to 23 May 2014.Polar Code and SOLAS amendments approvedThe MSC approved, for consideration with a view to adoption at its November 2014 session (MSC 94), the draft new SOLAS chapter XIV "Safety measures for ships operating in polar waters", which would make mandatory the Introduction and part I-A of the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (the Polar Code).The MSC also approved, in principle, the the draft Polar Code, with a view to adoption in conjunction with the adoption of the associated draft new SOLAS chapter XIV.Matters related to the safety of navigation and communication were referred to the Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue ...

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Maritime Safety Committee meets 12 to 21 June

MSC, 92nd session IMO's Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) meets at the Organization's London Headquarters for its 92nd session from 12 to 21 June 2013.The MSC is expected to adopt amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) relating to passenger drills; discuss preliminary recommendations arising from the Costa Concordia incident; and consider matters related to piracy and armed robbery against ships and other items submitted by the IMO sub-committees.Passenger drill amendments to be adoptedThe MSC is expected to adopt draft amendments SOLAS regulation III/19 to require musters of newly embarked passengers prior to or immediately upon departure, instead of "within 24 hours", as stated in the current regulations.The MSC is also expected to establish a working group on passenger ship safety to consider relevant issues, including the action plan drawn up at the last session following the Costa Concordia incident in January 2012.The MSC will have for its consideration the Costa Concordia casualty investigation conducted by the Italian authorities* with an extensive range of recommendations addressing stability issues, electronic equipment, emergency power generation, evacuation analysis, and search and rescue, in addition to operational and management issues.Adoption of other amendmentsThe MSC will also be invited to ...

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Reminder on the Amendments to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code

By the West of England P&I Club The West of England P&I Club has posted on its website a reminder for the Amendments to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code as follows:On 20 May 2011 the International Maritime Organisation's (IMO's) Maritime Safety Committee at its eighty-ninth session adopted Resolution MSC.(318)89 regarding amendments to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code. Contracting governments have been able to apply the new requirements, in whole or in part, on a voluntary basis since 1 January 2012. Compliance with the amendments will become mandatory on 1 January 2013.As a result of changes in world trade, new solid bulk cargoes with their own particular hazards are often introduced and presented for shipment. Similarly, some cargoes that were previously only shipped in very limited quantities and were not included in the IMSBC Code are now carried more extensively. At the same time, expert understanding of the properties and hazards associated with established solid bulk cargoes and the safest means of handling and carrying such cargoes is continually being advanced. Therefore to keep pace with developments the IMSBC Code will in future be updated bi-annually.Amendment 01-11 follows a review of numerous submissions to IMO ...

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