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Alaska Alternative Planning Criteria (APC)

From May 14, USCG will require compliance with APC The American P&I Club issues the following Circular regarding Alaska Alternative Planning Criteria:As from 14 May 2012, the US Coast Guard (USCG) will require compliance with new Alternative Planning Criteria (APC) for certain vessels operating in Western Alaska. Historically, it has not been possible for tank owners operating in Western Alaska carrying oil to comply fully with the vessel response planning requirements of the Oil Pollution Act 1990. In consequence, the USCG allowed waivers in respect of these requirements.However, in 2010, the USCG announced that shipowners would be required to fully comply with these regulations or adhere to approved Alternative Planning Criteria. On May 2011, the Alaska Marine Exchange publishedproposals for new Alternative Planning Criteria. The criteria have now been finalized.Accordingly, with effect from May 14, 2012, oil tank vessel owners and owners of vessels carrying oil as secondary cargo1 in certain areas of Western Alaska while going to or from a port in the United States will be required to comply with the new requirements. These areas are the areas of Western Alaska outside Cook Inlet and Prince William Sound regions and within 200 miles of the US coastline.The new ...

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