Tag: 2020 sulphur cap

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CEPSA launches new marine fuel containing only 0.1% sulphur

CEPSA, in its commitment to innovation, has announced the launch of a new fuel for maritime use known as DMB 0.1%. This product, which contains only 0.1% sulphur, allows the Company to get a head start on the new regulations MARPOL (International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships) that will apply to all ships navigating through Sulphur Emission Control Areas or ECAs (Northern Europe, USA and Canada) from 2015. CEPSA has been one of the first producers on a global level, and the first in Spain, to announce a specific product to comply with the new legislation, thanks to the versatility and flexibility that CEPSA production units possess. The Company has succeeded in adapting the resources it currently has at its disposal in its refineries (in this case, a common and pre-existing resource), in order to produce DMB 0.1%. This advance highlights CEPSA's commitment to the environment, leading the Company to remain at the forefront of research, development and innovation and ensuring compliance with upcoming legal and environmental requirements. According to Alberto Martinez-Lacaci, director of Marine Fuels at CEPSA, "this new fuel shows that CEPSA is at the forefront of the sector, adapting to environmental needs and offering ...

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DNV GL Gas Ready Notation – Prepared for Tomorrow’s Fuel Today

 DNV GL’s new GAS READY notation provides a clear picture of the level of LNG fuelled preparedness of a vessel.   With the IGF Code practically finalized the introduction of sulphur limits and burgeoning infrastructure and production capability, LNG as a ship fuel is spreading rapidly through the maritime world. DNV GL’s new GAS READY notation gives owners, who at the new building stage want to prepare their vessel for a potential conversion to LNG operation after delivery, a useful framework for contracting. It provides a clear picture of the level of LNG fuelled preparedness of their vessel, as well as guidance on the scope of the contemplated work to all involved parties. “We developed the new GAS READY notation based on the experience we have gained from our LNG Ready service as well as the 50 LNG fuelled vessels we already have in class with our GAS FUELLED notation”, says Torill Grimstad Osberg, DNV GL Head of Section for LNG Cargo Handling & Piping systems. “This new notation enables owners to ensure that a future LNG fuelled version of the vessel complies with the relevant safety and operational requirements, while also being very useful in helping owners specify and ...

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Ships must be prepared for sulphur rules, but alternative fuels should be explored

The shipping industry is fully committed to total compliance with the 0.1% sulphur in fuel requirements, in Emission Control Areas, from January 2015.  And there is no reason to suggest that there will not be full compliance, says the industry’s global trade association, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).  “But there is nevertheless concern amongst those owners who know that they themselves will comply but who may worry about their competitors” said ICS Director of Policy & External Relations, Simon Bennett, speaking today at the Mediterranean Bunker Fuel Conference (organised by Platts in Barcelona).  Mr Bennett remarked “The shipping industry will be investing billions of dollars in order to ensure compliance with this major regulatory change.  It therefore seems only fair that governments should implement the rules in a uniform manner as we enter a brave new world in which fuel costs, for some ships, will increase overnight by around 50%”.  Mr Bennett suggested that, unlike some of the national authorities in Europe, the United States had made its approach to enforcement relatively clear.   “The real crime in the U.S. is to be caught providing false information to the Federal authorities” said Mr Bennett.  “This is a criminal offence, attracting ...

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NYK develops new lubricity-improving, anti-mold oil additive

Nippon Yuka Kogyo an NYK Group company, has developed a new lubricity-improving, anti-mold oil additive for low-sulfur gas oil. The additive, Yunic750LS-F, can be added to low-sulfur (0.1%) gas oil that will soon be required in emission control areas. The additive lessens fuel-oil equipment problems that can be caused by gas oil having a lack of lubricity or containing mold, thus improving the safety of fuel-oil equipment and contributing to better operations. Low-sulfur gas oil is used only in emission control areas, so there is the possibility that it could be stored in the gas oil tank over an extended time. The anti-mold feature of this additive prevents mold caused by condensed water that can mix with the gas oil. Until now, separate additives were needed for lubricity improvement and anti-mold measures, but Yunic750LS-F has both properties in one product. Patent and trademark applications have been filed. Source: NYK LineIn the beginning, I was outspoken with you propecia before and after has changed my existence. It has become much more fun, and now I have to run. Just as it is incredible to sit.

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Transfennica changes its strategy due to new sulphur rules

Transfennica has decided to cease its “Motorways of the Sea” Ro-Ro service between Bilbao, Portsmouth and Zeebrugge by the end of December 2014. The route started in September 2007 and saw a steady increase in volumes and results. Due to the upcoming SECA legislation per 1 January 2015, which will result in increasing fuel costs, it is expected that up to 50% of the trailer volumes will return to the road. The Board of Directors of Spliethoff Group therefore had to decide there is no profitable future for a Ro-Ro service on this route. This decision on the Iberian strategy has no impact on other Transfennica routes nor on the activities of Transfennica Logistics which will continue its intermodal activity to and from Spain & Portugal. Transfennica Logistics is active in door-to-door transport, forwarding and warehousing in Bilbao. Transfennica Logistics operates 40ft and 45ft palletwide containers between Spain and Portugal, UK and the Benelux, as well as to and from Finland and Russia. With operational and commercial staff in 7 offices across 7 countries, Transfennica Logistics offers competitive intermodal solutions to its customers. Transfennica Logistics will continue its present lo-lo service offering Tuesday and Friday departures from Rotterdam, Tilbury and ...

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Neste Oil launches new low-sulphur marine fuel

Neste Oil will bring to the market a low-sulphur marine fuel in accordance with the EU Sulphur Directive requirements entering into force in 2015, and will begin distributing it in mid-December. The new fuel will significantly reduce sulphur, nitrogen and particle emissions in marine transportation. The Sulphur Directive sets a maximum sulphur limit of 0.1 per cent for marine fuels in the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the English Channel. Vessels operating in these areas either need to install a sulphur scrubber or make a transition to low-sulphur fuel."The new product is considerably more refined than the usual heavy fuel used on vessels today. As a result of improved product quality the new low-sulphur marine fuel keeps the vessel's engine cleaner and prolongs servicing interval of the engine. The fuel's quality also brings savings in operating costs. By using a low-sulphur marine fuel our customers avoid the need to make large changes to their ships, such as installing sulphur scrubbers", Olli Vesamo, Director of Neste Oil's Direct Sales explains. The product has been tested in different types of engines on five vessels; for example crude carriers M/T Tempera and M/T Mastera. The product worked perfectly in both main and auxiliary engines. The ...

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130 gas fuelled ships confirmed

Mercator Media’s 2014 Gas Fuelled Ships conference, under the banner of The Motorship, got under way this morning in Stavanger, Norway, with the keynote addresses from a wide variety of important industry figures. Chairman Lars Robert Pedersen, deputy secretary general of BIMCO, gave the welcome address, summarising the last GFS conference. There were various topics coded by red, amber and green symbols. The greens have moved forward following the recent MSC meeting which answered some of the outstanding questions: notably implementation of the IGF code and location of LNG tanks. Anders Mikkelsen, business development leader DNV GL, gave the first keynote speech. He explored the ‘big questions’ of pricing, availability, the risks and opportunities of new low sulphur fuels and the uncertainty of what will happen after the low sulphur limits come in. Despite this, there is a lot of optimism in the industry. The small scale LNG value chain is critical, and users and potential users need to understand how this will work. Engines are not considered a technology risk, though dual fuel has a significantly larger market share in the current order book than pure gas. Tanks are developing fast, though the C type is still dominant. Globally, ...

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DNV GL issues Sulphur Limits 2015 Guidelines

Stricter limitations on sulphur emissions (SOx) will pose many challenges to ships operating in Emission Control Areas (ECAs). If not handled with care, switching from Heavy Fuel Oil to Marine Gas Oil can put equipment at risk and increase operational costs. DNV GL issued “Sulphur Limits 2015 – Guidelines to ensure Compliance” to provide a general overview the regulatory background, describe potential difficulties associated with the fuel change-over procedure and discuss which technologies can best help vessels fulfil the new requirements. Furthermore, DNV GL has developed a ship-specific Fuel Change-Over Calculator (FCO) to help shipowners and operators determine the ideal parameters for their vessel’s fuel change-over. Ships operating in an ECA will have to use fuel that does not contain more than 0.10% sulphur (MARPOL Annex VI) from 1st January onwards. Switching to Marine Gas Oil (MGO) is currently the most viable option for following the new threshold limit. This may appear to be a simple task, but the change-over procedure actually requires significant attention from crews during operation as well as extensive on-board preparations before the entry into force date. “Taking into account variables such as a vessel’s fuel system layout, any constraints on temperature and the variable sulphur content of ...

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BIMCO calls for “robust” enforcement of sulphur limits in ECAs

BIMCO is calling on governments to exercise “robust” enforcement of sulphur limits applicable to ships operating in Emission Control Areas in order to ensure that the industry is operating at a high level of compliance. Following discussion at its recent board meeting, BIMCO President John Denholm described this position as crucial to maintaining a level playing field for shipping companies operating in Emission Control Areas (ECAs) and ensuring that compliant companies were not left at a disadvantage. The President said: “The maritime industry will shortly experience an unprecedented rise in operating costs as countries bordering ECAs implement very low limits for sulphur content in the fuel oils used by ships." “BIMCO is calling on the governments of these countries to exercise robust enforcement of applicable sulphur limits to ensure a continued level playing field for ships operating in ECAs.” “Failure to do so would seriously expose compliant shipowners and operators who are bearing the high cost of ultra-low sulphur diesel oil.” BIMCO has published a position paper on this issue, which also suggests that the consequences of allowing some to operate in non-compliance due to lack of enforcement should be an essential element of the forthcoming debate and decision in ...

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World’s first low emission gas carriers to cut the environmental impact of chemical transport

Two new liquefied natural gas (LNG) powered sea vessels have recently been named on Teesside .  Operated by ship owner Anthony Veder, the new ships will carry Liquefied Ethylene Gas (LEG) from SABIC’s Wilton facility on Teesside to manufacturing plants in North-West Europe and Scandinavia.  The chemicals will be used to make a range of everyday items such as food packaging, PVC, detergents and adhesives.  The state of the art ships will drastically cut both sulphur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions compared to the vessels they are replacing.  Switching to alternative fuels for ships, such as LNG, instead of traditional fuel oils is one of the solutions identified by Anthony Veder to help SABIC further improve its environmental performance.  “As a responsible global company, SABIC is committed to providing high-quality products to its customers while doing all it reasonably can in order to reduce the environmental impact of its operations,” said SABIC’s European Supply Chain Director of Chemicals Wouter Vermijs while attending the naming ceremony.  “We are proud to be the first chemical company in the world to be transporting our products on carriers running on LNG and to have an innovative partner in Anthony Veder.” The new ...

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