Tag: 2020 sulphur cap

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Malmo Port ready for low-sulphur bunkering

The EU's sulphur directive came into force on 1 January. Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP) is ready to receive vessels that can refuel with low-sulphur marine diesel in a newly-established terminal being built in Malmö and financed by Scandinavian Tank Storage AB (STS) and Copenhagen Malmö Port AB (CMP). The sulphur directive requires all vessels in the SECA area, which includes the North Sea, Baltic Sea and English Channel, to use low-sulphur marine diesel with effect from the start of this year. According to the the regulations, the maximum permitted amount of sulphur in the fuel has been reduced from 1.5 per cent to 0.1 per cent, by weight. To enable vessels to bunker with the new fuel in the region, CMP and STS are jointly investing in the port of Malmö to establish a dedicated bunkering quay with associated terminal. Statoil will be the fuel supplier. "Malmö is strategically located for this type of activity, since more than 40,000 vessels a year pass through Öresund. We are naturally delighted that Statoil has chosen Malmö and ourselves as the strategic location and partner for fuel distribution," says Leif Larsson, CEO of Scandinavian Tank Storage AB. "For CMP, this initiative means great ...

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Ultra low sulphur fuel oil and ISO standards

The Skuld P&I Club has issued article to help operators  understand how  ultra low sulphur fuel oil and ISO standards may relate to requirements for a maximum sulphur content of 0.10% in designated ECAs pursuant to MARPOL Annex VI. ISO standards As has been discussed in Skuld's guide to low sulphur fuels, there are a number of different versions of the modern ISO 8127 standards for marine fuels. The first incarnation dates back to 1987, and since then we have had the 1996, 2005, 2010 and the 2012 (5th edition) of the standard. While the 2005 standard is one of the most common, the 2010 has more developed criteria that users may favour but which has at times led to a premium being charged by suppliers in regions where 2005 is the norm. In particular 2010 added the DMZ grade, changed the viscosity standard for DMB and provided specifications for hydrogen sulphide, acid number, oxidation stability and lubricity (which should not be confused with viscosity). It has always been necessary to understand the specifications of any particular ISO standard and to ensure that the right fuel was being ordered for, and supplied to, a given vessel. MARPOL Annex VI Important things ...

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Low sulphur fuel changover requirements in Mississippi

The Swedish Club has posted an article on its website regarding low sulphur changeover requirements in Mississippi. Vessels complying with the new NA-ECA requirements should complete all required fuel changeover procedures well before entering the Lower Mississippi River. However, a number of vessels have entered the Lower Mississippi River since 01 January 2015 which needed to conduct a NA-ECA fuel changeover in port as result of either entering with compliant fuel but not having enough to make both the inbound and outbound transit or not having been able to obtain compliant fuel in previous ports and subsequently being able to obtain compliant fuel in the Greater New Orleans area after entering port. Due to the concerns regarding an increased risk of propulsion loss/irregularities associated with fuel changeover operations associated with NA-ECA compliance within restricted waters noted above, the COTP has determined that a vessel required to conduct a NA-ECA related fuel changeover after entering the Vessel Traffic Service Lower Mississippi River Area as defined in 33 CFR 161.65(a) has three options: Utilize, for the duration of their operation while in the Vessel Traffic Service Lower Mississippi River Area, the fuel being used upon entering the VTS Area; Employ tugs of ...

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Lukoil starts supplying low-sulphur marine fuel

The Murmansk branch of "LUKOIL-BUNKER" has commenced regular supply of low-sulphur marine fuel produced by OAO LUKOIL" as of January 2015.  The bunker fuel will be supplied to ships sailing to Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECAs, North Sea, Baltic Sea and the English Channel).  Previously it was reported that OAO "LUKOIL" had developed a new brand of marine fuel applicable inside emission control areas established to minimize air pollution from ships. This product will comply with new restrictions that have come into force as of January 2015 on sulphur content in marine fuels which shall not exceed 0.1%. Source: LUKOIL-BUNKERIn the outbreak, I was straightforward with you propecia before and after has changed my life. It has become much more fun, and now I have to run. Just as it is improbable to sit.

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OOCL updates low sulphur fuel surcharge

OOCL informed that they have updated their Asia-Europe Trade’s Low Sulphur Fuel Surcharge (LSS) information with details of the surcharge being applied to the country level.  This update is available in the Surcharges Table on OOCL’s  website.  Click image below to view the table:   Source: OOCL  In the start, I was forthright with you propecia before and after has changed my subsistence. It has become much more fun, and now I have to run. Just as it is fabulous to sit.

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Horizon Lines secures emissions control permit

Horizon Lines, Inc.  announced it has received a permit providing a conditional waiver from the North American Emissions Control Area (ECA) fuel sulfur content requirements of MARPOL Annex VI regulation 14.4.  The permit is in force while Horizon pursues installation of Exhaust Gas Cleaning System (EGCS) on each of its three (3) D7-class vessels which operate in the Alaska trade. The permit was issued by the United States Coast Guard (USCG) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and became effective in 2015. The permit will allow these Horizon vessels to use low-sulfur heavy fuel oil in their main engines while operating between Washington state and Alaska, subject to compliance with other terms and restrictions of the permit.  Horizon is committed to operating its vessels and terminals in accordance with all environmental regulations, and continuing to serve its customers in the most efficient and reliable means possible. Further, Horizon has entered into a supply agreement with Alfa Laval Aalborg Nijmegen BV for design and procurement of the PureSox 2.0 EGCS for the three Horizon D7-class vessels which operate in the Alaska trade.  This Alfa Laval EGCS is a multiple inlet hybrid system which will clean the exhaust gas from the ...

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Regulations for shipping emissions in Canada

Transport Canada has issued Ship Safety Bulletin to remind industry stakeholders of the upcoming change in Air Emissions Standards within the Canadian waters of the North American ECA, from 01 January 2015. Important issues: The maximum permissible Sulfur content in marine fuel reduces to 0.1% m/m from 01 January2015, for all vessels South of 60N latitude.  Vessels North of 60N latitude and those outside the NA ECA are permitted to use fuel with amaximum Sulfur content of 3.5% m/m until 01 January 2020 (when the Sulfur limit reduces to 0.5%m/m).  All vessels over 400 gross tons are required to carry Bunker Delivery Notes (BDN) which stipulatethe Sulfur content of fuel delivered to the vessel. Each BDN must contain specific information, asdescribed on page 2 of the attached Ship Safety Bulletin. Enforcement of the NA ECA regulations is expected to increase in 2015. Vessels entering (or already within) the NA ECA with non-compliant fuel are required to report this to Transport Canada and where applicable, file a Fuel Oil Non-Availability Report (FONAR) as described in the bulletin Further information may be found by reading Ship Safety Bulletin 08-2014 issued by Transport Canada Source: Transport Canada        In the beginning, I was frank with ...

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IMO issues FAQs on new sulphur emissions rules

The IMO has published a set of frequently asked questions regarding the sulphur limits in emission control areas from 1st January 2015. Question 1 What are the new requirements relating to sulphur emissions? Ships trading in designated emission control areas will have to use fuel oil on board with a sulphur content of no more than 0.10% from 1 January 2015, against the limit of 1.00% in effect up until 31 December 2014. The interpretation of “fuel oil used on board” includes use in main and auxiliary engines and boilers. Exemptions are provided for securing the safety of the ship or saving life at sea, or as a result of damage to a ship or its equipment. Also, provisions for trials for ship emission reduction and control technology research provide for a time limited exemption.   Question 2 What treaty do these new rules come under? The stricter rules come into effect under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution form ships (MARPOL) Annex VI (Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships), specifically under regulation 14, which covers emissions of Sulphur Oxides (SOx) and particulate matter from ships. These requirements were adopted in October 2008 by consensus ...

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Ultra low sulphur fuel and charterparty terms

The new ultra low sulphur fuel regulations under MARPOL Annex VI will require more than ship side preparations, they will also require existing and future charterparties to be reviewed and claused appropriately in order to reduce the risk of disputes between owners and charterers from a number of angles. Therefore, the Skuld P&I Club, with sources from Chalos & Co, New York, has issued an update on the ultra low sulphur fuel and charterparty terms which will be effective from January 2015.     There are a number of issues that could give rise to disputes between owners and charterers that have their root in the new MARPOL Annex VI regulations which mandate the use of ship fuel not exceeding 0.10% sulphur content by mass in designated Emission Control Areas (ECAs) in North America and Northern Europe from 1 January 2015. Issues include: Trading warranties Readiness of the vessel to enter an ECA Fuel specifications Delays and fines if a violation is alleged Deviations to avoid ECAs or limit time therein Above issues should considered closely before concluding new fixtures and indeed for any existing charters, too. Fuel specifications Bunker clauses have always been important for charterparties, given that MARPOL compliance is just ...

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Paris MoU guidelines on application of MARPOL Annex VI Reg.18 in ECA

ClassNK has issued Technical Information to remind of the Paris MoU Guidelines on the application of MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 18 in an Emission Control Area (ECA) From 1 January 2015, in the Emission Control Areas, the sulphur content limits of fuel oil will be regulated to not more than 0.10% m/m in accordance with Regulation 14 of MARPOL Annex VI. Regarding this matter, Paris MoU has issued the  Guidelines, the contents of which are the requirements of onboard procedures and evidential documents, check points during Port State Control, and the procedures of notification to the port authority when compliant fuel oil is not available.  In the outbreak, I was forthright with you propecia before and after has changed my existence. It has become much more fun, and now I have to run. Just as it is fabulous to sit.

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