Class NK -TEC 0868
The Panama Government informed ClassNK the special requirements for Spare Charges, Additional Fire Extinguishers and Refilling of Extinguishers onboard the Panama flag vessels (Merchant Marine Circular No.226) as follows.
1. Spare charges and Refilling for portable fire extinguishers
(1) Spare charges shall be provided for 100% of the first 10 extinguishers and 50% of the remaining fire extinguishers capable of being recharged onboard. Not more than 60 total spare charges are required. Instructions for recharging should be carried onboard.
(2) For fire extinguishers which can not be recharged onboard, additional portable fire extinguishers of the same quantity, type, capacity and number as determined in above (1) shall be provided.
(3) Periodic refilling of the cylinders should be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Only refills approved for the extinguisher may be used for recharging. Partially emptied extinguishers should be recharged.
For more information, click here
Source: ClassNK
Please advise if spare charges are required for non portable extinguishers, like for 135 ltr and 45 ltrs foam extinguishers kept in engine room.
It’s cool to learn about the rules for fire extinguishers. I wasn’t even aware that some of them could and should be refilled. When you say periodic refilling, how often should that be? Does the extinguisher go bad?
I have one question, if I bought chemical powder extra charges for refill how many years until it will expire if not been used…
Still need to be check annually by certified people .
The rule sas that i have to have 100% of the first 10 and 50% of the others, my question is: this calculation shall be made for each type (powder, CO2, foam, etc) or I just have to take 100% of the first 10 randoom one ?
The calculation applies to each type and size of portable extinguisher.
Example, onboard ship, say we have:
1) 50 pcs of 9kg Dry Powder
2) 4 pcs of 45kg Dry Powder
3) 6 pcs of 9L CO2
FOR 9kg DP (can be recharged onboard):
–Then, 100% of the first 10pcs = 10pcs
and 50% of the reamaining qty = 20pcs
FOR 45kg DP (can be recharged onboard):
–100% of the first 10pcs = 2pcs
FOR 9L CO2 (can NOT be recharged onboard)
–same qty, type, size and number = 6pcs