A recent DNV study finds that maritime operations will become more digitalized and automated as the shipping industry implements alternative fuel technologies. This suggests that the industry will need to map the skills and competencies required to implement decarbonization-related technology.
The study provides insights into seafarers training and skills needed to support a decarbonized industry. Following a review from literature and sources, the classification society pinpoints that personal, organizational and management skills are a prerequisite to exploit the possibilities of future decarbonization-related technology.
According to a study conducted by Menon Economics, both individual and organizational competence will be needed to exploit the possibilities afforded by digital and other technologies. Furthermore, the EU SkillSea report finds that the competence required by the STCW will not be sufficient for tomorrow’s seafarers. Leadership, language and communication skills, as well as soft skills to manage teams and people working remotely, will also be needed. This study also highlights that a new operational paradigm needs to be created to integrate people and digital technology.
DNV adds that, according to the Hamburg School of Business and Administration, workers will need to acquire creative and social skills to qualify for post-automation jobs while the profound changes caused by the technological transformation will have to be managed through communication and negotiation.
How to enable the implementation of new technology in shipping
The following are the personal, organizational and management skills and competencies according to the DNV study, that can enable the shipping industry to implement the new technology on its decarbonization journey.
#1 Personal skills and competencies
- Ability to make use of new working methods
- Ability to learn new skills as technology changes
- Ability to be creative and interact socially with others
- Multi-lingual skills for communication in a global operation
- Innovation mindset to understand business development and take advantage of digital technology
- Analytical thinking (including risk and systems analysis) to interpret and understand the need for change and the measures required
#2 Organizational and management skills and competencies
- Ability to communicate and negotiate, to promote required change to colleagues and customers
- Ability to market and promote greener products and services
- Ability to consult and advise end-users about green solutions and to spread the use of green technologies
- Ability to implement change management
- Ability to develop and implement management systems
- HR and knowledge management
- Advanced knowledge in project management to implement new technology
- Ability to work strategically, to enable policymakers and business executives to set the right incentives and create conditions to achieve goals
- Ability to manage teams and people working remotely and/or in dispersed teams
- Ability to coordinate and manage holistic and interdisciplinary approaches incorporating economic, social and ecological objectives
#3 Safety skills and competencies
- Seafarers on vessels operating with conventional fuels will have to adopt the safety mindset of the tanker/gas fleet when working with new fuel types
- Ability to implement updated emergency preparedness procedures such as first aid, fire detection and fire fighting
- Knowledge of potential hazards of the fuel on board and how these apply to equipment operation and maintenance
- Knowledge of gas testing and atmosphere monitoring procedures
- Knowledge of fuel-specific chemistry and physics to understand potential safety hazards
- Understanding the basic concepts and properties of the different fuel types
#4 Skills and competencies to master complex maritime operations
- Ability to perform safe vessel and equipment maintenance with more hazardous fuels on board
- Ability to handle the digital and manual systems for bridge, deck, engine, manoeuvring and propulsion that are introduced with the new fuel technology
- Ability to master new bunkering methods
- Ability to operate complex hybrid and zero-emission machinery
- Ability to operate hydraulic components and pneumatic equipment
- Knowledge of engine functions and manoeuvring characteristics
- Knowledge of how to operate the vessel in an energy efficient manner
#5 Sustainability competencies
- Knowledge of emission monitoring and documentation
- Knowledge of environmental economics and the use of performance management systems
- Knowledge of logistics and optimization methods to achieve high vessel utilization and advanced routeing
- Knowledge of environmental awareness and sustainable development of businesses
#6 Digital skills and competencies
- IT and digital skills
- Data fluency and ability to interpret and analyse large amounts of data
- Ability to operate equipment using digital controls
- Ability to solve tasks digitally through operations monitoring and system management
- Ability to update, service and repair digital systems
- Remote control of operations, logging and analysing data from several sources
- Basic digital technology knowledge (IoT, sensors, networks, cyber security, connectivity).
- Advanced analytics and use of data to optimize the fleet
- In-depth technical knowledge to understand complex systems (seafarer as systems manager)
- Knowledge of cybersecurity
#7 Automation skills and competencies
- Manage automation failure, with onshore support
- Detailed knowledge of and proficiency in the use of automated systems. Ability to monitor and correct their function (S/C)
- Ability to diagnose defects and rectify via automated systems
- Advanced knowledge of electrical systems
- Knowledge of programmable logic controllers (PLCs)
Upskilling vs Re-skilling:
Do you know the difference?
- Upskilling: the process of learning new skills or of teaching workers new skills
- Re-skilling: the process of learning new skills to enable someone to do a different job, or of training people to do a different job