Garbage collection services in the port of Singapore from 7.30am to 5.30pm
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) provides a garbage collection service to all vessels at anchorages in the port of Singapore. MPA’s garbage collection service is an ongoing service. However, it will be enhanced by the introduction of the “E-Receipt system” from 1 October 2012
MPA has embarked on this initiative, known as the “E-Receipt system” in order to improve its service levels to the port and maritime community. Through this initiative, shipping agents or shipmasters can easily retrieve and download information from the Marinet at their own convenience on the next working day from 10am onwards after vessel has been served. The information comprises the name of the vessel served, the date and timing of the service and bags of garbage disposed of.
Shipping agents and masters are advised to subscribe for a Marinet account (if you do not yet have one) to enjoy the benefits of the “E-receipt system”.
Please refer to the webpage for application of Marinet account procedures.
Source: GAC Hot Port News Bulletin