Over 150 industry leaders and organizations called for decisive government action to enable full decarbonization of international shipping by 2050.
Signatories of the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization urge world leaders to align shipping with the Paris Agreement temperature goal.
The private sector is already taking important steps to decarbonize global supply chains. Now governments must deliver the policies that will supercharge the transition and make zero-emission shipping the default choice by 2030
said the signatories, and called on governments to:
- Commit to decarbonizing international shipping by 2050: Set an unambiguous target to decarbonize international shipping by 2050 and deliver a clear, achievable, and equitable implementation plan to achieve this when adopting the IMO GHG Strategy in 2023.
- Support industrial scale zero emission shipping projects through national action: Support industrial scale demonstration projects addressing vessels, port infrastructure, and fuel production to de-risk first movers and accelerate innovation starting now, for instance by setting clear decarbonization targets for domestic shipping and providing incentives and support to first movers and the broader deployment of zero emissions fuels and vessels.
- Deliver policy measures that will make zero emission shipping the default choice by 2030: Adopt policy measures, including meaningful market-based measures, taking effect by 2025 that will support the commercial deployment of zero emission vessels and fuels in international shipping and make ordering zero emission vessels the default choice no later than 2030.
The signatories are headquartered in 32 different maritime nations. 22 of these nations are members of the IMO Council (with 40 members); six are among top 10 flag states by gross tonnage, and 12 are among top 15 ship-owning countries by controlled deadweight. Many signatories are present in diverse business activities across the whole world, and some reported actions show that signatories are working together across the value chain and in multiple different locations.
Climate action commitments
Signatories have been asked to provide information on up to three climate actions that they have committed to take this decade and that will contribute to the decarbonization of shipping and/ or the deployment of zero emission vessels and fuels. The actions can include already announced commitments and/or new commitments and future actions. All actions and commitments have been categorized according to specific areas:
- GHG emissions transparency;
- Pilot and demonstration projects;
- Ordering zero emission and zero emission capable vessels;
- Using zero emission fuels in daily operation;
- Procuring zero emission shipping services;
- Producing zero emission fuels with the intent to supply it to the shipping sector;
- Establishing zero emission bunkering infrastructure.
Signatories have reported 269 climate actions and commitments that they are taking now or will take over the next decades. When analyzed by area, actions and commitments total 440. The chart below shows the number of signatories and actions by area.

Using zero emission fuels
For vessels and shipping to be zero emission, fuel is a crucial part of the process. Already, 54 actions indicate the willingness to use zero emission fuels in daily operation. Companies indicating the current or future use of zero emission fuels are using a wide range of energy sources. These include, amongst others, green and blue hydrogen, green and blue ammonia, batteries, wind propulsion, green methanol, and synthetic or bio-LNG.

While more than 150 companies and organizations have already signed the call, there is still ample room for more signatories. We encourage other companies and organization to become signatories to the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonizing
the Global Maritime Forum urged.