More than 180 participants from around 80 maritime administrations and organisations, as well as embassies in Singapore, gathered at the 11th Co-operation Forum being held from 24 to 25 September, reaffirming commitment to strengthen cooperation in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore (SOMS).
The Co-operation Forum is one of the three pillars of the Co-operative Mechanism on Safety of Navigation and Environmental Protection in the SOMS.
The event gives opportunity to the three SOMS littoral States (Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore) and the international maritime community to exchange information and share perspectives on important issues relating to the SOMS.
The Co-operative Mechanism is an important platform for the three littoral states, as well as all user states and stakeholders, to come together and address issues of common concern, and collaborate to enhance navigational safety and environmental protection in the SOMS,
…said Mr Khaw Boon Wan, Singapore’s Co-ordinating Minister for Infrastructure and Minister for Transport, opening the event.
Discussion topics during the Forum centred on the developments, challenges and opportunities faced by the industry in enhancing the safety of navigation, and protection of the marine environment in the SOMS.
Participants were invited to present their insights and exchange perspectives on a wide range of issues. These included the applications of technology in navigational safety, challenges and opportunities of e-navigation, prevention and preparedness for marine pollution and practical approaches on the protection of the marine environment.
The Co-operation Forum is one of the three pillars of the Co-operative Mechanism that was launched at the IMO-Singapore Meeting in September 2007 and focuses on navigational safety and environmental protection in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore (SOMS). The other two pillars are the Project Co-ordination Committee (PCC) and the Aids to Navigation Fund (ANF).