Two tugs will be built at DAMEN in China, the other two – in Romania
On 22 September 2015 within the frames of the 13-th International Maritime Exhibition and Conferences of Russia – NEVA 2015, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) and DAMEN Shipyards Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding on construction to the RS class of four new ASD 2609 Ice tugs. Two tugs will be built at DAMEN in China, the other two – in Romania.
According to Mr. Pavel Shikhov, RS Chief Operating Officer, RS has been interacting with DAMEN since 1999. As of today, the RS-classed fleet comprises over 60 ships built to DAMEN designs.
15 ships are under construction in Russia and at foreign shipyards: tugs of projects ASD 3010 Ice, ASD 2810 Ice, ASD 2609 Ice, as well as new dredging vessels, projects TSHD 1000 and TSHD 2000.
Source and Image Credit: RS