The Stockholm Norvik Port launched its new rooftop solar cell system, designed to help its renewable energy initiatives, now setting it into operation, with the aim to produce up to 570 MWh of solar electricity per year when fully completed by 2022.
Specifically, the solar cell system came into operation on December 21, the darkest day of the year.
It is reported that the facility is installed on the 3,800 square meter roof of a large warehouse. When fully completed, the solar cell system will cover 3,500 square meters, almost the entire roof area. The facility will be also able to produce up to 570 MWh of solar electricity per year when fully completed in 2021/2022.
Fredrik Lindstål, Chair of the Board at Ports of Stockholm, commented that
To increase the use of renewable energy, Ports of Stockholm has chosen to commit to solar cell systems and it is additionally pleasing that our newly built Stockholm Norvik Port will soon be the proud bearer of one of Sweden’s biggest rooftop solar cell systems.
Concluding, ports of Stockholm already has five other solar cell system facilities. The first and largest of these went live in 2013 and is on the roof of a building at Frihamnen port in Stockholm. Read more about these facilities