The Port of Los Angeles announced a development opportunity for an Outer Harbor Cruise Terminal at Berths 46 and 50, as well as plans to launch a Request for Proposal (RFP) later this fall. The proposal targets cruise lines, terminal operators, and real estate developers, who want to create a new cruise terminal.
The opportunity regards development, operation, and maintenance of two cruise berths and landside terminal facilities, on and offsite parking and other amenities.
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In order to meet industry demand, future cruise facilities must accommodate ships that are longer than 1,100 feet and carry more than 5,000 passengers. Because of the seasonality of the existing cruise business in Los Angeles, new cruise facilities are expected to accommodate alternative uses when no cruise ships are in port. These alternatives may include filming, conferences, events, and other agreed-upon uses.
The Port of Los Angeles funds and maintains the LA Waterfront, and aspires to improve public access to the waterfront by connecting visitors and local harbor communities with recreational and commercial attractions.
The Port of Los Angeles facilitated $297 billion in trade during 2018, while San Pedro Bay port complex operations and commerce enable one in nine jobs in the five-county Southern California region.