For 25 April – 27 May 2015
he Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) has issued Worldwide Threat to Shipping Report for period 25 April – 27 May 2015. The report provides information on piracy threats to merchant mariners and naval forces for the last 30 days.
West Africa Piracy and Maritime Crime
On 26 May, three robbers in a small boat attempted to board an anchored tanker near position 06:26 N – 003:20 E, Tincan Berth No. 1, Lagos. Duty crewman on deck watch saw the robbers and raised the alarm. Upon seeing the crew response, the robbers departed the area. Lagos Port Control was informed of the incident. (IMB)
On 22 May, two armed robbers in a wooden boat approached an anchored vessel near position 05:20 N – 004:01 W, Abidjan Anchorage. The wooden boat appeared similar to those used by local fishermen. One of the robbers attempted to board the ship, but was frightened away by the alarm and whistle activated by the duty crewman. The robbers fled without stealing anything. (MTISC-GOG)
On 20 May, a Lebanese national, a Syrian national, and a local Nigerian were kidnapped from a construction site belonging to the Niger Delta Development Commission at Patani, Delta State. A local spokesman stated that the gunmen came in speedboats through the Sagbama creek to Agoloma-Toru-Apalabiri community and escaped via the same route (
Southeast Asia – Indian Subcontinent Piracy and Maritime Crime
Southeast Asia – Indian Subcontinent Piracy and Maritime Crime
On 27 May, one robber boarded a berthed product tanker near position 23:01 N – 070:13 E, Jetty OJ4, Kandla. A duty crewman on routine rounds saw the robber and raised the alarm. The robber managed to escape with stolen ships stores in a small boat with three accomplices. Incident reported to local agents. (IMB)
On 23 May, four robbers boarded an underway container ship near position 01:02 N 103:39 E, 5 nm south of Pulau Nipah. Crewman spotted the robbers near the aft deck and alerted the other crewmembers. Seeing alerted crew, the robbers escaped in their speed boat. The crew searched the vessel and found nothing had been stolen. (IMB)
On 22 May, an unknown number of robbers boarded an anchored container ship near position 10:11 N 107:03 E, Vung Tau Roads. Duty Bosun on routine rounds noticed the forward paint locker had been broken into. Upon checking, he found foot prints visible on the deck and ships stores stolen from the paint locker. Incident reported to the local agents and the shipping company. On berthing, an immigration officer boarded the ship and inspected the paint locker and took photos. (IMB)
On 20 May, an unknown number of robbers boarded an anchored product tanker near position 01:42 N – 101:28 E, Dumai Anchorage. The robbers boarded unnoticed and broke the padlock of the aft engine room casing door. However, nothing was stolen. The master informed the CSO of the security breach. (IMB)
On 20 May, three robbers boarded an anchored product tanker near position 13:44 N 121:02 E, Batangas Anchorage. The robbers used a hook attached with rope to board the vessel while the crew was busy with pilot arrangements and berthing procedures. The robbers broke into the bosun store room and stole ships properties. The duty officer on the bridge noticed the robbers and raised the alarm. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing the crew alertness, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped with the stolen items in their boat. VTMS Batangas and the Coast Guard were informed. (IMB)
On 16 May, several small inflatable speedboats made a suspicious approach on an underway passenger vessel near position 04:10 N – 121:10 E, 69 nm south-southeast of Bintoulan Island. At a distance of 0.5 nm, the ships master increased speed and altered course. All of the boats stopped following the ship, except one, which continued to follow the ship for another 15 minutes before aborting the approach. The ship continued her passage. (IMB)
On 4 May, four robbers boarded an underway bulk carrier near position 01:05 N – 103:46 E, 1 nm south-southwest of Pulau Takong Besar. Duty crew spotted the robbers and informed the Bridge. The alarm was raised and crew mustered. Seeing the crew response, the robbers fled empty handed. (IMB)
Source and Image Credit:ONI