NYK has been recognized for the company’s participation in the Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies vessel speed reduction (VSR) incentive program along the West Coast of North America, a collaborative effort sponsored by the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation among others.
More than 85% of NYK operating vessels maintained a navigation speed of less than 10 knots, a higher rate than in the last four years. NYK will use the incentive of US$20,000 to address social and environmental issues under the NYK Group Sustainability Initiative. Twenty three shipping companies participated in the program in 2022, contributing to cleaner air, safer whales and , NYK achieved the Sapphire tier, the top ranking in the program.
As a company that operates in the world’s oceans, preventing air pollution and protecting marine life is an integral part of our mission, and we will continue to work even more earnestly to preserve the marine environment and biodiversity.
…NYK said in a press statement.