The STM Validation Project will launch a new service aiming to reduce crew workload and minimize the risks of accidents and misunderstanding. The Baltic Navigational Warning Service will send navigational warnings directly to the on-board ECDIS via digital communication.
The Baltic Navigational Warning will provide only those warnings that are relevant to a ship’s route and for the period required. The warnings are shown directly in the on-board ECDIS and they will be automatically deleted when no longer valid.
The new service wants to reduce human errors, as warnings are provided digitally in ECDIS.
Björn Andreasson, Testbed Manager for the STM Validation project, stated:
The new service is being verified by ships in the STM Validation project and also in the European Maritime Simulator Network. The mariners participating in the simulations were very positive. Not having to receive navigational warnings by Navtex only and manually transfer them was a great relief for the participants. An Officer on Watch said in the debriefing afterwards that he now could fully focus on safe navigation knowing that the navigational warnings of relevance would show up directly in the ECDIS on board.
Furthermore, by providing the notices directly to ships ECDIS, the service reduces the risk of manual work and the risk of missing important information.
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The Navigational Warning Service is part of the STM Validation project. The warnings will use the draft S-124 format. The S-124, navigational warnings, product specification is being developed by an IHO Correspondence Group.