The Republic of the Marshall Islands has issued Marine Safety Advisory announcing that the Jomard Entrance in Papua New Guinea has been designated as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) and vulnerable to damage by international shipping activities by the IMO.
The Resolution establishes associated protective measures for the Jomard Entrance, including:
- four (4), two-way routing systems; and a precautionary area, as summarized below:
- A one nautical mile wide two-way route to the north of the Jomard Entrance, which extends approximately 20 nm from the northern boundary of the precautionary area.
- Three, one nm wide two-way routes to the south of the Jomard Entrance, each aligned with the general traffic pattern to/from ports on the east coast of Australia. The routes extend approximately 3.5 nm from the southern boundary of the precautionary area.
- A quadrilateral-shaped precautionary area that lies between the northern and southern two-way routes. The two-way routes and precautionary area can be used by all ships navigating in the area.
Further details may be found by reading the Marine Safety Advisory herebelow
Source: RMI