The UK P&I Club has informed of a NATO request for ship operators to report any instances of GPS or AIS interference in the Mediterranean. NATO said it is concerned about cyber security in the area, after detecting several electronic interferences and also possible GPS jamming in recent months, mostly in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Additional reporting is requested by NATO MARCOM in order to construct a comprehensive picture of this activity and thereby assess the impact in the maritime domain. The NSC remains the point of contact for merchant vessels and shipping companies.
NATO added.
Please report as follows:
/1/dtg (date time group)/unit lat/ long position at reporting time//
/2/track while observing interferences/from lat/long-to lat/ long//
/3/duration while observing interferences- start and end time//
/4/inteference type (systems affected and how)//
/5/assesed direction or coverage area of interference//
/6/navigation – secondary modes of navigation usage and accuracy vs gps systems//
/7/communications systems affected
/8/overall assessment of observations – provide free text comment on the event and additional information that can be considered interesting.