Maritime New Zealand issued the latest update to its Marine Oil Spill Readiness and Response Strategy, which sets out the overarching framework for how Maritime NZ and partners will respond to a marine oil spill incident.
Under the Maritime Transport Act 1994, Maritime NZ is required to regularly update the Strategy, last revised in 2018. The New Zealand Marine Oil Spill Response Strategy 2018-2022, is the fifth revision since it was first established in 1992.
Namely, the purpose of the strategy is to:
- describe actions to be taken and by whom in a response to a marine oil spill, and to promote a standard and coordinated national readiness and response system
- provide MNZ with the strategic intent and direction to shape how New Zealand maintains and enhances its preparation for readiness and response to marine oil spills.
The Strategy is a core element of MNZ’s contribution to government outcomes for managing the health, safety, and environmental risks from the oil and gas industry when it is operating in New Zealand’s marine environment.
The vision of the Strategy –‘New Zealand has an efficient, effective, resilient and fit-for-purpose marine oil spill response system’ – fits well with MNZ’s vision ‘safe, secure and clean’, and directly reflects the key attributes MNZ is working to achieve.
The four goals outlined in the Strategy, with their supporting objectives, target the key areas MNZ believes are critical for maintaining and improving New Zealand’s overall response system. These areas are:
- industry’s and regional councils’ capability to respond to their own and local spills
- New Zealand’s ability to respond to a significant spill
- the importance of having the right expertise and information
- the relationships and partnerships we need to implement, support, and improve our system.
The goals and objectives will shape the future capability requirements for New Zealand and MNZ and the resources needed to give effect to this capability.
Find out more on the strategy herebelow: