INTERTANKO Environmental Benchmarking scheme
Maran Tankers Management this week hosted a workshop aimed at agreeing aspects on which to base an INTERTANKO Environmental Benchmarking scheme.
Bringing together expertise from within the INTERTANKO Membership, primarily from ISTEC and the Environmental Committee, nine representatives from Member companies gathered in Athens to agree on a set of calculations and formulas that can be used by Member companies to collect data on agreed environmental aspects. The data will then be uploaded into an INTERTANKO database allowing Member companies to benchmark the environmental aspects against INTERTANKO fleet averages.
Brainstorming all the possible environmental aspects from tanker shipping, the workshop participants narrowed down the list into quantitative and qualitative aspects which they felt were important indicators of environmental performance. These ranged from more common indicators such as the EEOI and NOx emissions to more management-driven aspects such as environmental compliance and management.
Additional subjects such as ballast water management, ship recycling and anti-fouling systems have also been considered with proposed indicators.
The report and proposals from the workshop will now be forwarded to ISTEC and the Environmental Committee for their consideration and approval when they meet in March 2012.