LR Statutory Alert No. 25/2013
The third edition of the Large Commercial Yacht Code (LY3) entered into force on 20 August, 2013, when the ILO Maritime Labour Convention (MLC, 2006) was introduced.
LY3 applies to yachts which are 24 metres and over in load line length, are in commercial use for sport or pleasure, do not carry cargo and do not carry more than 12 passengers. For the most part, the Code applies to new yachts constructed (having their keels laid) on or after 20 August, 2013.
However, there are some retrospective requirements for existing yachts surveyed against the previous versions of the Code – LY1 and LY2. These yachts must now comply with the LY3 requirements for: lifejackets, radio equipment, long-range identification andtracking (LRIT), bridge navigational watch alarm systems (BNWAS), and some operational aspects such as manning, personnel certification and crew agreements.
These retrospective requirements are detailed in section of the Code, which can be downloaded in full here. Under theconditions of LY3, they should be complied with by 20 August, 2013 or, failing that, within a time scale agreed with the vessel’s flag administration. For all other items, existing yachts will continue to be surveyed against the LY1 or LY2 requirements.
Source: Lloyds Register