Work to recover debris from beaches
The lifting of sunken containers from the Rena ship wreck has begun off the Astrolabe Reef in Tauranga.
Seven containers have been lifted from the seabed in the past week, from within less than 50 metres of water in close proximity to where the ship ran aground.
The clean-up, carried out by Braemar Howells, is part of an extensive operation involving sonar surveys, checks by Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicles (ROV) and work by divers to prepare container wreckage for recovery.
This procedure will be repeated for the remaining containers, located at a similar depth.
Work to recover debris from beaches is continuing.
The Rena owners have been closely monitoring the recovery operations and Braemar Howells was recently assigned to widen its sphere of interest to include overseeing the wreck’s safety and security, and monitor its status. The team will also work to minimise and clear away any debris that may escape the vessel as a result of adverse weather conditions.
Meanwhile, debris collected from Bay of Plenty and Coromandel beaches recently has included container wreckage, refrigerator container foam, rope, sheets of plywood and beads.
Beaches continue to be surveyed by cleanup teams – including re-visiting beaches already cleared, as rough sea conditions and high tides can stir up more debris.
The owners of the Rena vessel have issued a tender for the removal of the wreck from the reef.
Source: 3 News / NZN