As IMCA informs the drawing and the breaker schedule were incorrect forcing to stop the work and the Lock-out / Tag-out arrangements.
The incident
An electrical working foreman was “checking for dead” on control oil pump motor space heaters. It was discovered that the heaters were still live and energized. The heaters were not included in the Lock-out / Tag-out arrangements.
After review of the drawings and the load centre breaker schedule, it was determined that the drawing and the breaker schedule were incorrect. The heaters were indicated as one circuit on the drawings and the breaker schedule, but they were traced back to another circuit.
Work was stopped and the LOTO, drawings and breaker schedule were all modified.
Probable cause
The drawings were incorrect, but as this work was infrequent, it had not been noted previously.
Lessons learned
- There was a review of work practices with plant staff to communicate the issue as a result of this alert;
- Ensure all appropriate or possibly relevant electrical equipment is locked out/tagged out;
- Always “check for dead”.