Kongsberg’s GeoChirp 3D high resolution sub-bottom profiler provides three dimensional acoustical images of shallow sub-seabed structures and buried objects.
It transfers the well-established principles of conventional 3D reflection seismics, used in hydrocarbon exploration, to high resolution chirp sub-bottom profiler technology.
It has been used in a wide variety of applications, including marine archaeology, imaging buried wrecks of historical importance in the UK; marine geology, researching landslide mechanisms in Norwegian Fjords and locating buried objects in UXO (un-exploded ordnance) surveys. The First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), in Qingdao is its first commercial customer.China’s internationally reputed research institution is looking forward to applying the state of the art technology in its line of research.
The system has been originally developed at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK with support from Kongsberg GeoAcoustics, who now have made this unique technology available in the commercial market.
Source and Image Credit: Kongsberg
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